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Project : Inventory Management System
for Music Store


The project entitled INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR MUSIC STORE is software developed for established music store.
To manage all operations of the show room this project is developed. It will have all the basic module to manage the show room operations.


INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR MUSIC STORE is a software application maintain the records related to purchase, sales, returns, stock updating, cash and bank flows and the reorder level of music store.


The main objective of the application is to automate the existing system of manually maintain the records of the counter sales, purchases, reorder levels, Supplier and Customer monetary positions and other related transactions made at the counter.


This application can be used by any music store to automate the process of manually maintaining the records related to the subject of maintaining the stock and liquid flows.


The transactions related to purchase, sale and returns are maintained manually at present along with maintaining the accounts of the customers and the suppliers.

All these are to be automated and an application is required to relate all of them relatively and logically so that the current system can be replaced and accepted without major changes and problems.

The application should provide quick access to the records maintained and must reveal the important reviews about the business so that the growth can be easily compared and should provide with the various reports showing the related details so that the important decisions could be taken easily.

Hardware and Software requirement
hi ..i wanted project..stock management system project in vb6 0 free download
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