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Full Version: Methods to Improve TCP Throughput in Wireless Networks With High Delay Variability
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The Highly variable round-trip times (RTTs) in wireless networks causes spurious timeouts which can be a reason for the unnecessary retransmission and the thus unnecessarily degrading throughput for the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).The methods to improve TCP throughput in wireless networks is discussed in this article. One of the method involves the use of a retransmission timeout (RTO) threshold which is slightly higher than the standard. The other method described involves the use of selective repeat (SR) and go-back-N (GBN) as retransmission policies upon packet timeout.

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) which has been very much popular with the internet supports reliable data transport by establishing a connection between the transmitting and receiving ends. a packet is sent to the receiver. the round-trip times is constantly tracked by the sender and if it is too large, then it triggers retransmission. The CDMA2000 and UMTS networks has extended the TCP to wireless communications as well whereas it was originally designed for working with the wired communication networks. The senders transmission rates are appropriately throttled by the TCP so that the overloading of the network is avoided. The delay spikes can induce spurious timeouts when the TCP is employed in the data transport in such environments where a highly variable RTT is common. The delay variability on TCP performance in wireless networks has been a matter of intense study for many researchers. A method for detecting the spurious timeouts as well as spurious retransmissions by implementing time stamping was proposed.
Actually we presented this topic as a seminar only. The actual implementation in the form of project was not done. Sorry to disappoint you Sad but you can wait for any of our users who have done the project to reply.
have u completed the project successfully? And how it worked ?state all project.