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a) What is meant by daemon thread? In java runtime, what is its role?
b) How does one compute the class of an IP address? What range determines
the class C IP address?
c) With reference to java graphics, explain the terms: a listener and an event.
d) What are the disadvantages of only allowing I/O via widgets such as
checkboxes, buttons or small text areas?
e) When does an applet need to use threads?
f) In the declaration public final static int BASE_YEAR = 2004, what is
the meaning of the word final?
g) What is the relationship between classes and objects?
h) Explain the meanings of the operators / and % when they are applied to
integer values.
i) Java has five control statements: if, while, do.. while, for, and switch.
However, it really only needs two of these. What does this mean? Why is
it true?
j) In the Java programming language, what is a package, and why do
packages exist.
k) The main subroutine of a program begins with the line public static void
main (String[] args). What does the word public mean here, and why
is it necessary?
l) You are creating a JPanel to hold five JButtons. You can choose between
using the default. FlowLayout on the panel, or using a GridLayout instead.
What s the difference? Exactly what effect will your choice have?
m) Which choice, lists the statement(s) that is (are) false?
(I) Number Format Exception is a checked exception.
(II) Array Index Out of Bound Exception is an unchecked exception.
(II) File Not Found Exception is a checked exception.
(a) I only.
(b) II only.
© II only.
(d) II and II only.
(e) I and II only.
n) What is the use of Java Servlets?
o) What is the difference between C++ & Java?