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The present day conventional windmills have many drawbacks. My paper suggests an alternative to overcome
the drawbacks. These alternatives are FLYING WINDMILLS .The wind is much steadier at altitudes, so you get
even more advantage over conventional windmills in this NEW GENERATION WINDMILLS.
Flying windmills have advantages over their land-based counterparts which is because of factors such as
contours of the land and daily heating and cooling patterns, often face either inadequate wind or turbulent
winds, necessitating expensive designs. No such impediments occur in the jet stream, where air moves nearconstantly
and at several times the speed that it does at 100 feet off the ground, allowing much more energy to
be captured from each square meter of wind
Flying windmills are even more advantageous as it has ad-hoc generation: devices with a reasonably simple
tether-system do not have to be permanently installed in one place, They could be trucked out to any location
that needed them.
Keywords: MARS, Flying Windmills.
Wind results from air in motion. The circulation of air in the atmosphere is caused by the non-uniform heating
of the earth s surface by the sun. Despite the wind s intermittent nature, wind patterns at any particular site
remain remarkably constant year by year. Average wind speeds are greater in hilly and coastal areas than they
are well inland. The winds also tend to blow more consistently and with greater strength over the surface of the
water where there is a less surface drag.
hi I am roopesh I heard that I would get all informations and ppt here so I am doing a project on flying windmills
please help me by sending the flying windmill seminar ppt
Thank you

hi I am roopesh I heard that I would get all informations and ppt here so I am doing a project on flying windmills
please help me by sending the flying windmill seminar ppt
Thank you
Hi I am Roopesh.s I want help from u that I want to download flying windmill ppt my friend said it will available here
now I am doing project and ppt on this please help me
HI.. I would like to know more about flying windmill for my semin