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Medical Transcription System

The objective of the project is to design and develop a Medical Transcription System, which is used to give suggestions to the doctors. These suggestions are automatically generated at appropriate times depending upon the various inputs as well as changes in the database. The doctors basically provide these inputs to the system. This system basically works on a time-driven mechanism.
A systematic approach for the development of clinical decision support systems is essential for an effective design and implementation of medical information system.
The system reads a centralized patient database that includes coded registration information, laboratory results, radiology findings, medication orders, and text reports from most ancillary departments. Based on the events and data, the system generates emergent alerts informational interpretations, and screening messages for clinical research, quality assurance, and administration. The system runs for all the medical center's patients, and all health care providers have access to the generated messages.

Hardware Requirements:

Processor : Intel Pentium II or more
Ram : 256 MB or more
Cache : 512 KB
Hard disk : 16 GB hard disk recommended for primary partition

Software Requirements:

Operating system : Windows 2000 /XP or later
Front End Software : VB.NET
Back End Software : SQL - SERVER
Servers : IIS Server

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Ph : 040-64585900