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Full Version: deadlock detection using resource allocation graph java code
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Deadlock Detection is the process of determining fact that an impasse exists and identify the processes and resources involved in the deadlock.
The basic idea is to check the allowance against the availability of resources for all possible sequences of allocation to determine if the system is in a deadlock state. Of course, the deadlock detection algorithm is only half of this strategy. When a deadlock is detected, there must be a way to retrieve several alternatives exist:

Temporarily disable the resources of the process deadlocked.
Remove a process at a control point allowing a necessary resource preemption and restart the process at the checkpoint later.
kill process successively until the system is deadlock free.
These methods are costly in the sense that each iteration calls the detection algorithm until the system proves to be a free dead end. The complexity of the algorithm is O (N2), where N is the number of products. Another potential problem is hunger; same process killed on several occasions.
plzz can u help me out on this topic with the java code as i require it for my project .