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The post-genomic era has been driven by the development of technologies that allow the function of cells and whole organisms to be
explored at the molecular level. Metabolomics is concerned with the measurement of global sets of low-molecular-weight metabolites.
Metabolite profiles of body fluids or tissues can be regarded as important indicators of physiological or pathological states. Such profiles
may provide a more comprehensive view of cellular control mechanisms in man and animals, and raise the possibility of identifying surrogate
markers of disease. Metabolomic approaches use analytical techniques such as NMR spectroscopy and MS to measure populations
of low-molecular-weight metabolites in biological samples. Advanced statistical and bioinformatic tools are then employed to maximise
the recovery of information and interpret the large datasets that are generated. Metabolomics has already been used to study toxicological
mechanisms and disease processes and offers enormous potential as a means of investigating the complex relationship between nutrition
and metabolism. Examples include the metabolism of dietary substrates, drug-induced disturbances of lipid metabolites in type 2 diabetes
mellitus and the therapeutic effects of vitamin supplementation in the treatment of chronic metabolic disorders.
Metabolomics: Metabonomics: Metabolite profiling
With the advent of the post-genomic era, biological, medical
and veterinary research has witnessed an explosion in
strategies that provide an integrative view of the molecular
regulation of cells and whole organisms (Watkins &
German, 2002). These advances have been driven by the
development of novel technologies that can analyse
global sets of gene products. Transcriptomics defines the
population of mRNA species in a cell at a specific time
and set of conditions; proteomics addresses the challenging
problem of defining changes in protein expression, protein
dynamics and post-translational modifications; whilst the
emerging field of metabolomics measures changes in populations
of low-molecular-weight metabolites under a given
set of conditions (Fiehn et al. 2001).
Low-molecular-weight metabolites represent the endproducts
of cell regulatory processes and as such advertise the
response of biological systems to a variety of genetic and
environmental influences (Fiehn, 2002). Metabolomic strategies
aim to detect changes in the distribution and concentration
of a broad range of metabolites and can be applied
to multiple levels of biological organisation from single
cells to whole organisms. These analyses involve the use of
modern analytical techniques to measure global populations
of metabolites in biological samples. Advanced statistical
and bioinformatic tools are then employed to maximise the
recovery of information and to aid interpretation of the
very large datasets that are generated.
In man and animals, metabolite profiles can be regarded
as important indicators of normal phenotype and pathology,
and offer the possibility of identifying surrogate biomarkers
of disease states. Abnormal cellular processes
may lead to disturbances in the profile of endogenous
low-molecular-weight metabolites. Metabolomic-based
strategies can, therefore, provide an insight into metabolite
perbutations caused by differential gene expression, toxicological
insult, pathophysiological processes and altered
nutritional status (Nicholson et al. 2002). The present
article will review the emerging post-genomic science of
metabolomics. Metabolomic-based technologies will be
outlined and a number of applications of metabolomic analyses
described. The implications of metabolomics for the
nutritional sciences will also be discussed.

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