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The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is an appreciable skills training programme which form part of the minimum academics standard in Nigerian universities.The scheme is a participatory programme, involving Universities, Polytechnics and Technical Colleges students of various institutions in Nigeria. It is run jointly with the Industrial Training Fund (ITF), which serves as the regulating body.
Objective Of Siwes
Specifically, the objectives of the Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme are to:
i. Provide an avenue for students in Nigerian university to acquire industrial skills and experience in their course of study;
ii. Prepare student for work situation they are likely to meet after graduation.
ii. Provide students with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in real work situation, thereby bridging the gap between and actual practice;
iv. Make the transition from school to the world of work easier, and enhance students contacts for later job placement;
v. Enlist and strengthen employers, involvement in the entire educational process and prepare students for employment in Industry and Commerce.
The Federal Government, the Industrial Training Fund (ITF), the Supervising Agencies
National Universities Commission (NUC), the National Board for Technical Education
(NBTE), National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE), Employers of Labor
and Institutions have specific roles assigned to them in the management of the SIWES
Programme. The roles are as follows: -
Operators - The ITF, the coordinating agencies (NUC, NCCE, NBTE), employers of labor and the institution.
Funding - The Federal Government of Nigeria
Beneficiaries - Undergraduate students of the following: Agriculture, Engineering, Technology, Environmental, Science, Education, Medical Science and Pure and Applied Sciences.
Duration - Four months for Polytechnics and Colleges of Education, and Six months for the Universities.
The Federal Government
The federal government is to:
i. Make adequate funds available to the federal ministry of industry to fund the scheme;
ii. Makes it mandatory for all ministries, companies and government parastatals, to offer attachment places to student;
ii. Make it a policy to include a clause in every major contact lasting over six to nine months begin awarded for contractors to take students in attachment

The Industrial Training Fund (ITF)
The industrial training fund is to:
i. Provides logistic material needed to administer the scheme;
ii. Compile list of employers and available training places for industrial attachment and forward such lists to the coordinating agencies (i.e. NUC,NBTE,NCCE);
ii. Organize bi-ennial conferences and seminar on SIWES.
The Supervising Agencies (Nuc, Nbte And Ncce)
These Agencies are to:
i. Ensure the establishment and accreditation of SIWES Units in institutions under their jurisdiction;
ii. Direct for the appointment of full-time SIWES Co-ordinators;
ii. Ensure adequate funding of the SIWES units in all the institutions.
iv. Continuously monitor and review the job specifications of all the courses;
Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is an effective instrument for exposing students to the realities of the work environment in Nigeria especially, and the world in general, in their chosen professions so as to achieve the much needed technological advancement for the nation. To give an account of the activities carried out during the scheme, the trainee submits a technical report stating, in details, all the knowledge and experience gained.
This report gives a detailed explanation of all the activities carried out by the trainee. Before giving details of these activities, general background knowledge, as studied from relevant engineering texts available, is briefly explained. Then followed by the details of these activities, with each project been involved in outlined under each chapter. Thereafter, comes the chapter that explains the various problems encountered in executing the afore-mentioned projects and the solutions proffered to solve those problems. In order not to distract the line of thought while reading this report and to further elucidate on what has been written in the body of the report, the appendix section is provided to show calculations made in the course of carrying out these activities.
At the end of it all, conclusions are drawn, and recommendations made on how these activities carried out have trained the mind of the trainee in the engineering profession and have given some of necessary experience needed to face the challenges of this profession as well.