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CHEMISTRY In our community

The Chemical Universe

i Chemistry is the study of atoms

? Atoms are the building blocks of nature

! How many atoms are there in a cup of tea?

@ Chemical Science is shaping our future

15 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000

Chemistry of Flowers

-Smell a Flower
The Fragrance is Chemistry

-See a Flower
The Colours are Chemistry

-Touch a Flower
The Structure is Chemistry

Chemistry in the Home

-Everything in your home is Chemistry
-Shower Gel, Wallpaper, Baked Beans
-Teflon was discovered by accident
-Energy efficient, colour changing buildings

Particles to add colour

-Matte Paints
Particles to add texture

-Non-Drip Paints
Polymers to change consistency

Improved Performance

-Our leisure time has been changed by Chemical Science
-Computer parts, sports equipment
-Carbon fibre is 3 times stronger than steel
-Better flat screen displays

Flat Screen Displays

-The past
Cathode ray tubes

-The present
Liquid Crystals
Plasma displays

-The future
Light emitting polymers
Electronic Ink

Art and the Chemical Sciences are linked

-Art preservation
-Chemistry is art
Visual Elements

-New materials for artists
Modern Masters


-Chemistry makes the film
-Chemistry develops the image
-Chemistry prints the picture

Cooking is Chemistry
-Chemical changes are responsible for changes in flavour and texture
-Chemistry keeps food fresh
-Most E-numbers are naturally occurring
-Healthy Cream Cakes!

Ice Cream
Complex Structure

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