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import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
class MyBanner extends Applet implements Runnable
  String msg1,msg2 ;
  Thread t = null;
  int state;
  boolean stopFlag;
  public void init()
  public void start()
  msg1 = getParameter("message");
  if (msg1 == null)
  msg1 = "Message not Found";
  msg1 = " " + msg1;
  t = new Thread(this);
  stopFlag = false;
  public void run()
  char ch;
  for( ; ; )
  ch = msg1.charAt(0);
  msg1 = msg1.substring(1,msg1.length());
  msg1 += ch;
  if( stopFlag ) break;
  }catch(InterruptedException e)
  {  }
  public void stop()
  stopFlag = true;
  t = null;
  public void paint(Graphics g)
  URL url1 = getCodeBase();
  msg2 = "Code Base " + url1.toString() ;
  URL url2 = getDocumentBase();
  msg2 = "Document Base" + url2.toString();
  showStatus("This is Status Bar of the above Applet");