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Please am working on mortuary management systems using smart identification tags . And I need some literature review
Mortuary or morgue is the place where corpses are preserved during a period prior to cremation. There is a small difference between the morgue and the morgue.

"All cases of hospital deaths, both from the MLC and outside the MLC, and all cases taken to the hospital are kept in the hospital morgue, while the natural death that occurs in the home is stored in the morgue, which are usually operated by the cremation camp authorities. "
The hospital morgue is a very important component of the hospital since the death of a patient that occurs at unusual hours can not be taken home as they move away from the areas. Promote:-

1. It is the moral duty of the authority or relative to ensure proper respect and proper handling of the corpse after the soul leaves.
2. Mortuary / Morgue is the place where bodies are temporarily preserved before cremation.
3. The corpse services are provided by the hospitals only to preserve the corpses in case of death in the hospital.
4. It also maintains all legal death cases of Medico at the request of the investment officer before carrying out an autopsy / autopsy.
5. The morgue is under the control of Deptt. of Forensic Medicine where post mortem service is available.
6. When an autopsy is recommended to determine the cause of death, it is under the control of the pathology department.