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Posted by ishan - 08-16-2017, 10:32 PM
Cellular and molecular basis of medical physiology.
1. DNA and its applied aspects.
2. RNA and its applied aspects.
3. Translation and transcription.
4. Metabolism of carbohydrates.
5. Metabolism of fatty acid.
6. Eicosanoids and its role in human body.
7. Structure and functions of cell membrane.
8. Transport across cell membrane.
9. Genesis of membrane potentials and action potential..
10. Intracellular organelles and their physiological role.
11. Cytoskeleton and molecular motors.
12. Intercellular connections and its disorders.
13.Apoptosis and its role in normal physiology.
14.G-proteins and its disorders.
Central nervous system.
1. Anatomical and physiological aspects of neuron and nerve.
2. Neurotransmitters and its applied aspects.
3. Physiology of synapse and its applied aspects.
4. Pyramidal tract and its applied aspects.
5. Extra-pyramidal tract and its applied aspects.
6. Ascending tract and its applied aspects.
7. Physiology of pain and analgesia system.
8. Recent advances in pathophysiology of pain its management.
9. Physiology of stretch reflex and its role in posture maintainance.
10.Basal ganglia with recent advances in parkinsonism.
11. Cerebellum and its applied aspects.
12. Vestibular apparatus and its role in maintenance of balance.
13.Control of body posture and body movements.
14. Electrical activity of brain: EEG and its role in epilepsy.
15.Physiology of speech and its disorders.
16. Physiology of sleep and its applied aspects.
17. Physiology of learning and memory.
18. Recent advances in Alzheimer disease.
19. Limbic system: physiology of emotion and behaviour.
20.Hypothalamus and its applied aspects.
21.CSF and circumventricular organs.
22. Cerebral blood flow and its regulation.
23. Cerebrovascular accidents and its effects.
24. Photoreceptors and its role in image formation.
25. Role of optic tract and visual cortex in image formation.
26. Colour vision and recent advances in it.
27. Physiology of hearing and hearing disorders.
28. Physiology of olfaction.
29.Physiology of taste and recent advances in it.
30. Cerebral cortex and it functions.
31.Autonomic nervous system and its disorders.
32. Autonomic function test.
33.Techniques of imaging in neurology.
34. BAER and its clinical applications.
35.VEP and its clinical applications.
36. Motor evoked potential and its clinical applications.
37.NCV and its clinical applications.
40. Journal club-international.
41. Journal club-international.
42. Journal club-National.
Renal physiology.
1. Fluid compartments of body and its applied aspects.
2. Renal circulation and its applied aspects.
3. GFR and its regulation.
4. Counter current mechanism and its role in urine formation.
5. Hormone acting on kidney and hormonal regulation of urine formation.
6. Renal regulation of extracellular fluids composition and volume.
7. Renal regulation of acid base balance.
8. None excretory functions of kidney.
9. Physiology of micturation and its disorders.
10.Renal function test and its applied aspects.
11. PBL-1.
12. PBL-1.
13. Journal club-international.
14. Journal club-National.
Cardiovascular System.
1. Physiology of cardiac cycle.
2. Cardiac output and its regulation.
3. Venous return and its applied aspects.
4. Electrical activity of heart.
5. Arrhythmias.
6. Physical principles of circulation.
7. Blood pressure and its regulations.
8. Heart rate and its regulation.
9. Coronary circulation and its disorders.
10.Pulmonary circulation and its disorders.
11.Pathophysiology of congestive heart failure.
12.Pathophysiology of shock.
13.Pathophysiology of hypertension.
14. PBL-1.
16. Journal club-international.
17.Journal club-National.
Blood and immunity.
1. Erythropoiesis and its applied aspect.
2. Leucopoiesis and its applied aspect.
3. Thrombopoiesis and platelet structure and function.
4. Coagulation and its applied aspects.
5. Mechanism of anti-coagulation and its applied aspect.
6. Humoral immunity.
7. Cell mediated immunity.
8. Role of complement system in immunity.
9. Blood groups and its applied aspects.
10. Haemoglobin and haemglobinopathies.
11. Anaemia and its effect.
12. Hypersensitivity disorders and its applied aspects.
13. Primary immunodeficiency disorders.
14. PBL-1.
15. PBL-2.
16. Journal club-international.
17. Journal club-national.
Respiratory physiology.
1. Functional anatomy of lung.
2. Mechanics of respiration.
3. Exchange of gases in the lung.
4. Pulmonary circulation ventilation/perfusion ratio.
5. Non-respiratory functions of lung.
6. Transport of oxygen in blood.
7. Transport of carbon dioxide in blood.
8. Neural regulation of respiration.
9. Chemical regulation of respiration.
10.Hypoxia and its effects.
11. Cardio-respiratory adjustment of excercise.
12. Acclimatization at high altitude and its applied physiology.
13. Deep sea physiology.
14.Pulmonary function test.
17.Journal club-international.
18.Journal club-national.
1. Mechanism of action of hormones.
2. Hypothalamic factors and anterior pituitary hormones.
3. Hormones of posterior pituitary and its disorders.
4. Synthesis, secretion and metabolism of thyroid.
5. Effects of thyroid hormone and its disorders.
6. Glucocorticoid and its applied aspects.
7. Aldosterone hormone and its applied aspects.
8. Catecholamines and its applied aspects.
9. Prolactin hormone and lactation.
10.Synthesis, secretion and effect of insulin.
11.Hormones regulating glucose metabolism.
12. Diabetes mellitus: Pathophysiology and its complications.
13. Hormonal regulation of calcium balance.
14. Ovarian hormone and its disorders.
17. Journal club-national.
18. Journal club-international.
Reproductive physiology.
1. Gametogenesis in male and female reproductive system.
2. Physiology of male reproductive system.
3. Reproductive physiology of non pregnant women.
4. Reproductive physiology of pregnant women.
5. Sex differentiation and its disorders.
6. Placenta and its function.
7. Faeto-placental circulation.
8. Menstrual cycle and its disorder.
9. Pregnancy test.
10. Physiological basis of natural method of contraception.
11.Physiological basis of Contraception (Hormonal and others).
12.Physiology of foetus and new born.
13.Physiology of fertilization and infertility.
14. PBL-1.
15. PBL-2.
16.Journal club-international.
17.Journal club-national.
Gastrointestinal physiology.
1. Salivary secretion and its applied aspects.
2. Functional anatomy of gastrointestinal tracts
3. Physiology of gastrointestinal movement.
4. Oesophagus and pathophysiology of vomiting.
5. Acid secretion and its applied aspects.
6. Exocrine functions of pancreas.
7. Physiological role of liver and its applied aspects.
8. Synthesis, secretion and effects of bile.
9. Gastrointestinal hormones and their effects.
10.Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and fat.
11.Digestion and absorption of proteins.
12. Physiology of stool formation and defecation.
13.Pathophysiology of diarrhoea and constipation.
14.Regulation of food intake and its disorders.
15. Diagnostic and imaging technique of gastrointestinal tract.
16. PBL-1.
17. PBL-2.
18. Journal club-international.
19. Journal club-national.
Nerve muscle physiology.
1. Excitable tissue: neurons and nerve physiological properties.
2. Synapse and its properties.
3. Neurotrophins and its role in body.
4. Molecular basis of contraction and relaxation on skeletal muscle.
5. Physiology of cardiac muscle.
6. Physiology of smooth muscle.
7. NCV and its applied aspects.
8. Pathophysiology of neuromuscular disorders.
9. EMG and its applied aspects.
12. Journal club-international.
13.Journal club-international.
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