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Posted by keeru1188 - 08-16-2017, 11:00 PM
Hi i need ppt for automatic eb system using gsm.I'm an ece guy from salem
Posted by manjul732 - 08-16-2017, 11:00 PM
This paper deals with the implementation of power line
network in the field of electricity billing. In the present
scenario power line communication (PLC) is one of the
economical ways of communication of data. Even though
there are new methods of wireless communication methods,
practically it is very much time consuming to install such a
system, and also it is highly cost consuming method .But the
power lines which already exist and connect every household
in a particular area is more advantageous as it does not require
any new installation or erection for establishment of
communication channels, and thus is not a time consuming
one . One biggest advantage of this system is that it can be
readily implemented, unlike the other modern methods. The
power line network can also be used for creating emergency
response networks. This project eliminates the need for
employing EB meter readers and this set of employees can be
used elsewhere. The long queues in the billing counter can be
avoided by implementing this model. Also the control of the
system is fully automated by this technique. The most
important feature in this system is the use of digital meters
consisting of micro controllers and real time clock, thus
eliminating the loss of meter data during power failure.
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