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Posted by divya_vijay - 10-04-2017, 08:25 PM
Hi am Mohamed i would like to get details on feasibility study for online ticket booking for my project documentation
Posted by vikkaas.yadav - 10-04-2017, 08:25 PM
This project is feasible on technical remarks also, as the proposed system is more beneficiary in terms of having a sound proof system with new technical components installed on the system. The proposed system can run on any machines supporting Windows and Internet services and works on the best software and hardware that had been used while designing the system so it would be feasible in all technical terms of feasibility.

Technical Feasibility addresses three major issues:

(a) Is the proposed Technology or Solution Practical?

The technologies used are matured enough so that they can be applied to our problems. The practicality of the solution we have developed is proved with the use of the technologies we have chosen. The technologies such as ASP, IIS, VBscript and the compatible H/Ws are so familiar with the today s knowledge based industry that anyone can easily be compatible to the proposed environment.

(b) Do we currently posses the necessary technology?

We first make sure that whether the required technologies are available to us or nor. If they are available then we must ask if we have the capacity. For instance, Will our current Printer be able to handle the new reports and forms required of a new system?

© Do we possess the necessary Technical Expertise and is the schedule reasonable?

This consideration of technical feasibility is often forgotten during feasibility analysis. We may have the technology, but that doesn t mean we have the skills required to properly apply that technology.

As far as our project is concerned we have the necessary expertise so that the proposed solution can be made feasible.

Some projects are initiated with specific deadlines. In our case first we have given three months time but due to some problems regarding time and the constraints of expertise it has been extended to six months. Now there are some organizational constraints that have not yet given us the opportunity to install the system.
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