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Posted by aish123 - 08-17-2017, 12:04 AM
Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment for 600 MW (2 x 300) Coal Based Thermal Power Plant at Village-Bade Bhandar, District-Raigarh, Chhattisgarh
1.0 Preamble
Power GenerationScenario in India
As per the 5th National Power Plan (2002-2012) prepared by Central Electricity
Authority (CEA) 2,12,000 MW power is required by the end of 11th Plan. Based on the report of
the working group on Power constituted by Planning Commission, a capacity addition of 41,110
MW is targeted in 10th Plan ending in March, 2007, comprising 14,393 MW Hydro, 25,417 MW
Thermal and 1300 MW Nuclear.
The power generation in India is heavily dependent on conventional fuels like coal and
lignite. The share of hydropower capacity has declined from 43.3% in 1970-71 to 39% in 1980-
81. At the end of 8th plan, it has further reduced to 28.26%. The share of coal as fossil fuel is
projected to increase from 60% during 1995-96 to 74% of total energy by 2010.
According to the Ministry of Power, as on July 31, 2007, India has an installed
generation capacity of 135,007 MW approximately. Despite the fact that the economic
liberalization policies of the government, which began in 1992, were designed to fuel growth
across all sectors, the power industry has not grown sufficiently to meet demand.
The gap between the demand, supply of the power has been increasing leading to
increase power shortage. The following Table highlights the deficit over the year
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