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Digital Light Processing - engg.priyansh - 08-16-2017




Up until recently, big screen projection sets are come in two types:- CRT based projector and the other is LCD based projector.


Cathode Ray Tube is basically a hot-cathode device. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) is known to be a beam of electron emitted from a heated cathode inside a vacuum tube and accelerated by a potential difference between the cathode and anode.
An image is produced by modulating the intensity of the electron beam received by the video signal.
Cathode ray tube:-

CRT is still finding a useful device in computer gaming due to the high refresh factor and higher resolution per initial cost.
The flicker in the monitor or screen causes headaches. Due to high voltage recruitment it consumes more power and difficult to maintain.

A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is a thin, flat display device made up of many no of colour or monochrome pixels arrayed in front of a light source or reflector. It uses very small amount of electric power then other system ,so can be used in any powered electronics devices.

Liquid crystal display:-
Drawbacks of LCD:-

1) Low contrast ratio.
2) Longer responses time then plasma and CRT.
3) In capable of viewing very low resolution images.
Television screen, LCD projector, monitors

Plasma technology is different from all other technology, here in each pixels a source is of light is produced.
The main attraction of plasma screen is the fact they are flat enough to be wall mounted, thus eliminating the need for that box or separate projector.

Plasma technology:-
Advantages of Plasma:-
1) Flat enough to be well mounted and eliminating box or separate projector.
2) It provides a viewing image which can view from any angle with in 160 degree.
3) No magnetic disturbances.
4) Multimedia flexibility.
More expansive then CRT & LCD.

A Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) is simply a semiconductor switch.
A DMD chip has on its surface several thousand of microscopic mirrors arranged in a rectangular array which correspond to the pixels in the image to be displayed.
The mirror is made up of aluminum and around 16 micrometer across.

Digital Micromirror Device:-

Each one is mounted on a yoke which in turn is connected to two support posts by compliant torsion hinges. The hinges can t be damaged by normal shock or vibration, since it is absorbed by DMD super structure.
The advantages of this are more accurate timing and more filmic moving image.

Digital Micromirror Device:-

The advantages of this are more accurate timing and more filmic moving image.


Television and HDTVs
Holographic versatile discs.
Head mounted displays.

First DMD (Digital Micromirror Device) was invented by Larry Hornbeck in 1987.

In year 1994 Texas Instruments demonstrated the DLP (Digital Light Processing) projector.

Digital light processing (DLP) is a technology used in projector as well as in video projectors.
It was invented in Texas instruments in 1987 by Dr. Larry Hornbeck, which creates the final page link to display digital visual information.
DMD (Digital Micromirror Device) is the cornerstone of DLP (digital light processing) as CPU is the heart of computers.
It includes:-1. A light system
2. A color filter system
3. A cooling system.
4. A projection optics.
Working of DLP:-
Depending upon the application a DLP will accept either digital or analog signal. When it receives an analog signal it converts the analog signal into digital form in DLP s front end processor.

Working of DLP:-

The signal received goes through DLP video processor and becomes progressive red, green and blue (RGB) data. Then like other digital devices the progressive colors are formatted into entire binary bit planes of Data.

Clarity (by minimizing the gaps between pixels in projector image,DLP projector system creates a seamless digital picture that s sharp at any size).
Brightness (Due to the mirror system, they use light more efficiently).
Color (eight time greater then analogue projection system.)

Reliability (DLP is totally digital and it s not susceptible to heat, humidity, vibration and any other environmental factors).
Minimum maintenance.
Life span (the DMD is very reliable, no maintain or alignment is required. DLP lamp can work for 8000Hr.costs around $250 to replace).
One-chip DLP systems use a projection lamp to pass white light through a color wheel that sends red-green-blue colors to the DMD chip in a sequential order to create an image on-screen. Only one DMD chip is used to process the primary RGB colors.
Three-chip DLP systems use a projection lamp to send white light through a prism, which creates separate red, green, and blue light beams. Each beam is sent to their respective red, green, and blue DMD chip to process the image for display on-screen.

The DLP projector has the refresh rate double as the analog system. Films are recorded at 24Hz, which is sufficient to achieve the effect of motion but it has flickers. To avoid this DLP projector has 48Hz refresh rate, hence greatly mitigates flickers.
DLP cinema projection technology allows us to display images at any frame rate. This is done using the control versatility of DMD, which allows independent control of every bit. Thus human eye can t judge the flickers.

High speed image creation then other projectors.
Noise free.
High perceived resolution (consistent picture quality).
Sharper (Exact mirror image of an incoming video or graphic signal resulting in projection that s seamless at any resolution).

More reliable (display system using DLP technology are able to recreate their incoming source material with each projection, ensuring a full-impact projection experience that will not fade over time).
Consistent picture quality.


Rainbow effect a major problem.

Due to the rapid change in color causes eye strain and headaches, which may hamper the viewer.
In single chip projector system at any instant the on screen image is not total. So picture quality is not as the original image.


This projector can be used as home theatre, television and film projection.
Other application includes its high-definition image creation are photo finishing, three dimensional visual display, microscope, spectroscope and medical imaging.


DLP has much higher pixels then LCD called fill factor. Due to this fill factor the DLP gives a much good image as original image and it gives a good resolution to the image.
DLP produces much smoother image as compared to the LCD system.
DLP has high contrast ratio and efficient use of light.
Light efficiency of DLP is more then LCD.

Understand it.
Plan it.
Implement it.
Use it.
Refine it and
Support it.


Digital Light Processing - [email protected] - 08-16-2017


digital light processing

Visionodisha Group




Up until recently, big screen projection sets are come in two types:- CRT based projector and the other is LCD based projector.


Cathode Ray Tube is basically a hot-cathode device . Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) is known to be a beam of electron emitted from a heated cathode inside a vacuum tube and accelerated by a potential difference between the cathode and anode.
An image is produced by modulating the intensity of the electron beam received by the video signal.
CRT is still finding a useful device in computer gaming due to the high refresh factor and higher resolution per initial cost.
The flicker in the monitor or screen causes headaches. Due to high voltage recruitment it consumes more power and difficult to maintain.


A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is a thin, flat display device made up of many no of colour or monochrome pixels arrayed in front of a light source or reflector. It uses very small amount of electric power then other system ,so can be used in any powered electronics devices.
Drawbacks of LCD:-
1) Low contrast ratio.
2) Longer responses time then plasma and CRT.
3) In capable of viewing very low resolution images.
Television screen, LCD projector, monitors


Plasma technology is different from all other technology, here in each pixels a source is of light is produced.
The main attraction of plasma screen is the fact they are flat enough to be wall mounted, thus eliminating the need for that box or separate projector.

Advantages of Plasma:-

1) Flat enough to be well mounted and eliminating box or separate projector.
2) It provides a viewing image which can view from any angle with in 160 degree.
3) No magnetic disturbances.
4) Multimedia flexibility.
More expansive then CRT & LCD.


A Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) is simply a semiconductor switch.
A DMD chip has on its surface several thousand of microscopic mirrors arranged in a rectangular array which correspond to the pixels in the image to be displayed.
The mirror is made up of aluminum and around 16 micrometer across.
Each one is mounted on a yoke which in turn is connected to two support posts by compliant torsion hinges. The hinges can t be damaged by normal shock or vibration, since it is absorbed by DMD super structure.
The advantages of this are more accurate timing and more filmic moving image.

The advantages of this are more accurate timing and more filmic moving image.

Television and HDTVs
Holographic versatile discs.
Head mounted displays.


First DMD (Digital Micromirror Device) was invented by Larry Hornbeck in 1987.
In year 1994 Texas Instruments demonstrated the DLP (Digital Light Processing) projector.


Digital light processing (DLP) is a technology used in projector as well as in video projectors.
It was invented in Texas instruments in 1987 by Dr. Larry Hornbeck, which creates the final page link to display digital visual information.


DMD (Digital Micromirror Device) is the cornerstone of DLP (digital light processing) as CPU is the heart of computers.
It includes:-1. A light system
2. A color filter system
3. A cooling system.
4. A projection optics.
Depending upon the application a DLP will accept either digital or analog signal. When it receives an analog signal it converts the analog signal into digital form in DLP s front end processor.
The signal received goes through DLP video processor and becomes progressive red, green and blue (RGB) data. Then like other digital devices the progressive colors are formatted into entire binary bit planes of Data.


Clarity (by minimizing the gaps between pixels in projector image,DLP projector system creates a seamless digital picture that s sharp at any size).
Brightness (Due to the mirror system, they use light more efficiently).
Color (eight time greater then analogue projection system.)
Reliability (DLP is totally digital and it s not susceptible to heat, humidity, vibration and any other environmental factors).
Minimum maintenance.
Life span (the DMD is very reliable, no maintain or alignment is required. DLP lamp can work for 8000Hr.costs around $250 to replace).


One-chip DLP systems use a projection lamp to pass white light through a color wheel that sends red-green-blue colors to the DMD chip in a sequential order to create an image on-screen. Only one DMD chip is used to process the primary RGB colors.


Three-chip DLP systems use a projection lamp to send white light through a prism, which creates separate red, green, and blue light beams. Each beam is sent to their respective red, green, and blue DMD chip to process the image for display on-screen.


The DLP projector has the refresh rate double as the analog system. Films are recorded at 24Hz, which is sufficient to achieve the effect of motion but it has flickers. To avoid this DLP projector has 48Hz refresh rate, hence greatly mitigates flickers.
DLP cinema projection technology allows us to display images at any frame rate. This is done using the control versatility of DMD, which allows independent control of every bit. Thus human eye can t judge the flickers.


High speed image creation then other projectors.
Noise free.
High perceived resolution (consistent picture quality).
Sharper (Exact mirror image of an incoming video or graphic signal resulting in projection that s seamless at any resolution).
More reliable (display system using DLP technology are able to recreate their incoming source material with each projection, ensuring a full-impact projection experience that will not fade over time).
Consistent picture quality.


Due to the rapid change in color causes eye strain and headaches, which may hamper the viewer.
In single chip projector system at any instant the on screen image is not total. So picture quality is not as the original image.


This projector can be used as home theatre, television and film projection.
Other application includes its high-definition image creation are photo finishing, three dimensional visual display, microscope, spectroscope and medical imaging.


DLP has much higher pixels then LCD called fill factor . Due to this fill factor the DLP gives a much good image as original image and it gives a good resolution to the image.
DLP produces much smoother image as compared to the LCD system.
DLP has high contrast ratio and efficient use of light.
Light efficiency of DLP is more then LCD.

Digital Light Processing - radio - 08-16-2017

Digital Light Processing

Large-screen, high-brightness electronic projection displays serve four broad areas of application: (1) electronic presentations (e.g., business, education, advertising), (2) entertainment (e.g., home theater, sports bars, theme parks, electronic cinema), (3) status and information (e.g., military, utilities, transportation, public, sports) and (4) simulation (e.g., training, games). The electronic presentation market is being driven by the pervasiveness of software that has put sophisticated presentation techniques (including multimedia) into the hands of the average PC user.

A survey of high-brightness (>1000 lumens) electronic projection displays for comparing the already existing three types of projection display technologies namely, Oil film, CRT-LCD, and AM-LCD was conducted. Developed in the early 1940s at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and later at Gretag AG, oil film projectors (including the GE Talaria) have been the workhorse for applications that require projection displays of the highest brightness. But the oil film projector has a number of limitations including size, weight, power, setup time, stability, and maintenance. In response to these limitations, LCD-based technologies have challenged the oil film projector. These LCD-based projectors are of two general types: (1) CRT-addressed LCD light valves and (2) active-matrix (AM) LCD panels. LCD-based projectors have not provided the perfect solution for the entire range of high-brightness applications.

CRT-addressed LCD light valves have setup time and stability limitations. Most active-matrix LCDs used for high-bright-ness applications are transmissive and, because of this, heat generated by light absorption cannot be dissipated with a heat sink attached to the substrate. This limitation is mitigated by the use of large-area LCD panels with forced-air cooling. However, it may still be difficult to implement effective cooling at the highest brightness levels.
In response to these and other limitations, as well as to provide superior image quality under the most demanding environmental conditions, high-brightness projection display systems have been developed based on Digital Light Processing technology. DLP is based on a micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) device known as the Digital Micro mirror Device (DMD). The DMD, invented in 1987 at Texas Instruments, is a semiconductor-based array of fast, reflective digital light switches that precisely control a light source using a binary pulse modulation technique. It can be combined with image processing, memory, a light source, and optics to form a DLP system capable of projecting large, bright, seamless, high-contrast color images.

The Mirror as a Switch
The DMD light switch is a member of a class of devices known as micro electromechanical systems. Other MEMS devices include pressure sensors, accelerometers, and micro actuators. The DMD is monolithically fabricated by CMOS-like processes over a CMOS memory. Each light switch has an aluminum mirror, 16 m square that can reflect light in one of two directions depending on the state of the underlying memory cell. Rotation of the mirror is accomplished through electrostatic attraction produced by voltage differences developed between the mirror and the underlying memory cell. With the memory cell in the on state, the mirror rotates to +10 degrees. With the memory cell in the off state, the mirror rotates to .10 degrees. A close-up of DMD mirrors operating in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). By combining the DMD with a suitable light source and projection optics (Figure 6), the mirror reflects incident light either into or out of the pupil of the projection lens by a simple beam-steering technique. Thus, the state of the mirror appears bright and the state of the mirror appears dark. Compared to diffraction-based light switches, the beam-steering action of the DMD light switch provides a superior tradeoff between contrast ratio and the overall brightness efficiency of the system.

By electrically addressing the memory cell below each mirror with the binary bit plane signal, each mirror on the DMD array is electrostatically tilted to the on or off positions. The technique that determines how long each mirror tilts in either direction is called pulse width modulation (PWM). The mirrors are capable of switching on and off more than 1000 times a second. This rapid speed allows digital gray scale and color reproduction. At this point, DLP becomes a simple optical system. After passing through condensing optics and a color filter system, the light from the projection lamp is directed at the DMD. When the mirrors are in the on position, they reflect light through the projection lens and onto the screen to form a digital, square-pixel projected image.

Digital Light Processing - tanvir_eee - 08-16-2017

Large-screen, high-brightness electronic projection displays serve four broad areas of application: (1) electronic presentations (e.g., business, education, advertising), (2) entertainment (e.g., home theater, sports bars, theme parks, electronic cinema), (3) status and information (e.g., military, utilities, transportation, public, sports) and (4) simulation (e.g., training, games). The electronic presentation market is being driven by the pervasiveness of software that has put sophisticated presentation techniques (including multimedia) into the hands of the average PC user.

A survey of high-brightness (>1000 lumens) electronic projection displays for comparing the already existing three types of projection display technologies namely, Oil film, CRT-LCD, and AM-LCD was conducted. Developed in the early 1940s at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and later at Gretag AG, oil film projectors (including the GE Talaria) have been the workhorse for applications that require projection displays of the highest brightness. But the oil film projector has a number of limitations including size, weight, power, setup time, stability, and maintenance. In response to these limitations, LCD-based technologies have challenged the oil film projector. These LCD-based projectors are of two general types: (1) CRT-addressed LCD light valves and (2) active-matrix (AM) LCD panels. LCD-based projectors have not provided the perfect solution for the entire range of high-brightness applications.

CRT-addressed LCD light valves have setup time and stability limitations. Most active-matrix LCDs used for high-bright-ness applications are transmissive and, because of this, heat generated by light absorption cannot be dissipated with a heat sink attached to the substrate. This limitation is mitigated by the use of large-area LCD panels with forced-air cooling. However, it may still be difficult to implement effective cooling at the highest brightness levels.
In response to these and other limitations, as well as to provide superior image quality under the most demanding environmental conditions, high-brightness projection display systems have been developed based on Digital Light Processing technology. DLP is based on a micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) device known as the Digital Micro mirror Device (DMD). The DMD, invented in 1987 at Texas Instruments, is a semiconductor-based array of fast, reflective digital light switches that precisely control a light source using a binary pulse modulation technique. It can be combined with image processing, memory, a light source, and optics to form a DLP system capable of projecting large, bright, seamless, high-contrast color images.

The Mirror as a Switch
The DMD light switch is a member of a class of devices known as micro electromechanical systems. Other MEMS devices include pressure sensors, accelerometers, and micro actuators. The DMD is monolithically fabricated by CMOS-like processes over a CMOS memory. Each light switch has an aluminum mirror, 16 ?m square that can reflect light in one of two directions depending on the state of the underlying memory cell. Rotation of the mirror is accomplished through electrostatic attraction produced by voltage differences developed between the mirror and the underlying memory cell. With the memory cell in the on state, the mirror rotates to +10 degrees. With the memory cell in the off state, the mirror rotates to .10 degrees. A close-up of DMD mirrors operating in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). By combining the DMD with a suitable light source and projection optics (Figure 6), the mirror reflects incident light either into or out of the pupil of the projection lens by a simple beam-steering technique. Thus, the state of the mirror appears bright and the state of the mirror appears dark. Compared to diffraction-based light switches, the beam-steering action of the DMD light switch provides a superior tradeoff between contrast ratio and the overall brightness efficiency of the system.

By electrically addressing the memory cell below each mirror with the binary bit plane signal, each mirror on the DMD array is electrostatically tilted to the on or off positions. The technique that determines how long each mirror tilts in either direction is called pulse width modulation (PWM). The mirrors are capable of switching on and off more than 1000 times a second. This rapid speed allows digital gray scale and color reproduction. At this point, DLP becomes a simple optical system. After passing through condensing optics and a color filter system, the light from the projection lamp is directed at the DMD. When the mirrors are in the on position, they reflect light through the projection lens and onto the screen to form a digital, square-pixel projected image.

Digital Light Processing - ppp - 08-16-2017

Electronic projection display technology for high-brightness applications had its origins on the Gretag Eidophor,an oil film-based projection system developed in the
Early 1940s.
More recently in response to various to various limitations of LCD technology high brightness system have been developed based on Digital Light Processing technology.
A heart of the DLP projection display is the Digital Micromirror Device (DMD).
DMD is a semiconductor based array of fast reflective digital light switches that precisely control a light source using a binary pulse width modulation technique.
Key word used in this paper
o DMDBig Grinigital Micro mirror Device.
o DLP: Digital Light Processing.
o SLM: Spatial Light Modulation.
o MEMS: Spatial Light Modulate Micro-electromechanical Systems.
o DIPD: Digital Image Projection Displays.
Digital light processing system is based on the same principle as a prism .
where white light is broken into different color through refraction.
DLP is based on two general type
CRT- addressed LCD light valves
Active-matrix(AM)LCD panels
The brightness(lumes) is plotted against the brightness efficiency(lumens/
Three types of projection display technologies are compaired in figure1
As well as to provide superior image quality under the most demanding environmental conditions, high-brightness projection display systems have been developed based on digital light processing technology.
DLP is based on a micro-electromechanical system(MEMS) device known as the digital micromirror device(DMD).
The DMD,invented in 1987 at texas instruments, is a semiconductor-based array of fast,reflective digital light switches that precisely control a light source using a binary pulse width modulation technique.
It can be combined with image processing, memory.a light source and optics to form a DLP system (figure2) capable of projecting large, bright,seamless,high-contrast color images.

Digital Light Processing - jagadeesh486 - 08-16-2017

Digital Light Processing

Large-screen, high-brightness electronic projection displays serve four broad areas of application:

(1) electronic presentations (e.g., business, education, advertising),

(2) entertainment (e.g., home theater, sports bars, theme parks, electronic cinema),

(3) status and information (e.g., military, utilities, transportation, public, sports) and (

4) simulation (e.g., training, games).

The electronic presentation market is being driven by the pervasiveness of software that has put sophisticated presentation techniques (including multimedia) into the hands of the average PC user.A survey of high-brightness (>1000 lumens) electronic projection displays for comparing the already existing three types of projection display technologies namely, Oil film, CRT-LCD, and AM-LCD was conducted. Developed in the early 1940s at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and later at Gretag AG, oil film projectors (including the GE Talaria) have been the workhorse for applications that require projection displays of the highest brightness. But the oil film projector has a number of limitations including size, weight, power, setup time, stability, and maintenance. In response to these limitations, LCD-based technologies have challenged the oil film projector.

These LCD-based projectors are of two general types: (1) CRT-addressed LCD light valves and (2) active-matrix (AM) LCD panels. LCD-based projectors have not provided the perfect solution for the entire range of high-brightness applications. CRT-addressed LCD light valves have setup time and stability limitations. Most active-matrix LCDs used for high-bright-ness applications are transmissive and, because of this, heat generated by light absorption cannot be dissipated with a heat sink attached to the substrate. This limitation is mitigated by the use of large-area LCD panels with forced-air cooling. However, it may still be difficult to implement effective cooling at the highest brightness levels.

Digital Light Processing - richa_singh - 08-16-2017

Digital Light Processing

Large-screen, high-brightness electronic projection displays serve four broad areas of application:

(1) electronic presentations (e.g., business, education, advertising),

(2) entertainment (e.g., home theater, sports bars, theme parks, electronic cinema),

(3) status and information (e.g., military, utilities, transportation, public, sports) and (

4) simulation (e.g., training, games).

The electronic presentation market is being driven by the pervasiveness of software that has put sophisticated presentation techniques (including multimedia) into the hands of the average PC user.A survey of high-brightness (>1000 lumens) electronic projection displays for comparing the already existing three types of projection display technologies namely, Oil film, CRT-LCD, and AM-LCD was conducted. Developed in the early 1940s at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and later at Gretag AG, oil film projectors (including the GE Talaria) have been the workhorse for applications that require projection displays of the highest brightness. But the oil film projector has a number of limitations including size, weight, power, setup time, stability, and maintenance. In response to these limitations, LCD-based technologies have challenged the oil film projector. These LCD-based projectors are of two general types: (1) CRT-addressed LCD light valves and (2) active-matrix (AM) LCD panels. LCD-based projectors have not provided the perfect solution for the entire range of high-brightness applications. CRT-addressed LCD light valves have setup time and stability limitations. Most active-matrix LCDs used for high-bright-ness applications are transmissive and, because of this, heat generated by light absorption cannot be dissipated with a heat sink attached to the substrate. This limitation is mitigated by the use of large-area LCD panels with forced-air cooling. However, it may still be difficult to implement effective cooling at the highest brightness levels.

Digital Light Processing - anjukrishnaj7 - 08-16-2017

Electronic projection display technologies for high brightness applications, from the initial Gretag Eidophor, an oil based projection, to solid state technology based LCD systems, are all analog devices having many disadvantages. All the products of this information age, digital cameras, digital concoders, digital satellite system, DVDs, play source material of unprecented image quality and so does the Internet-the seemingly endless forum of digitized information. The whole exercise of preserving digital video and graphic data would be pointless if it has to be converted to analog before viewing. Texas Instruments' Digital Light Processing technology-the only available digital display technology is a revolutionary alternative. At the heart of the DLP display is the Digital Micromirror device (DMD),a semiconductor based array of fast, reflective digital light switches. Digital electronics and optics converge at DMD. Based on this DMD, DLP can form the final page link to digital visual communication. In the same way the compact disc revolutionized the audio industry, DLP will revolutionize video projection. This seminar describes the design, operation, performance and advantages of DLP based projection system for high brightness, high resolution application.

Digital Light Processing - amol hogade - 08-16-2017

Electronic projection display technologies for high brightness applications, from the initial Gretag Eidophor, an oil based projection, to solid state technology based LCD systems, are all analog devices having many disadvantages. All the products of this information age, digital cameras, digital concoders, digital satellite system, DVDs, play source material of unprecented image quality and so does the Internet-the seemingly endless forum of digitized information. The whole exercise of preserving digital video and graphic data would be pointless if it has to be converted to analog before viewing. Texas Instruments' Digital Light Processing technology-the only available digital display technology is a revolutionary alternative. At the heart of the DLP display is the Digital Micromirror device (DMD),a semiconductor based array of fast, reflective digital light switches. Digital electronics and optics converge at DMD. Based on this DMD, DLP can form the final page link to digital visual communication. In the same way the compact disc revolutionized the audio industry, DLP will revolutionize video projection. This seminar describes the design, operation, performance and advantages of DLP based projection system for high brightness, high resolution application.

Digital Light Processing - Aneesh Ram - 08-16-2017

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