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Introduction of Fourth-Generation Cellular Communication System - Printable Version

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Introduction of Fourth-Generation Cellular Communication System - prem9823 - 08-16-2017

Introduction of Fourth-Generation Cellular Communication System


Third Generation Cellular Communication(3G)

3G networks provide the ability to transfer voice data and non-voice data (music downloads, emails and instant messaging) over the same network simultaneously.
3G networks deliver broadband capacity and support greater numbers of voice and data customers at lower incremental costs than 2G.

Fourth Generation Cellular Communication (4G)

4G is not one defined technology or standard, but rather a collection of technologies and protocols aimed at creating fully packet-switched networks optimized for data.
4G networks are projected to provide speeds of 100 Mbps while moving and
1 Gbps while stationary.

3G VS. 4G

Less Complexity, Faster Transmission
Unlike the 3G networks which are a combination of circuit switched and packet switched networks, 4G will be based on packet switching only. This will allow low-latency data transmission.


High speed:4G offers about 100 mbps speed in stationary mode and about 20 mbps speed in travelling.
High network capacity: network capacity of 4G is about 10 times that of 3G.
Fast/seamless across multiple network: supports global roaming across multiple wireless and mobile networks.
Next generation multimedia support: 4G should give still more speed and large volume data transfer at low cost than today.


Mobility is a critical aspect of 4G. There are three main issues regarding mobility management in 4G networks:
1) The first issue deals with optimal choice of access technology, or how to be best connected. Given that a user may be offered connectivity from more than one technology at any one time, one has to consider how the terminal and an overlay network choose the radio access technology suitable for services the user is accessing.