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Streaming technology in 3G mobile communication systems - Shalu - 08-16-2017

Streaming technology allows you to transmit audio, video and other multimedia over the Internet. Streaming media services such as Video desk deliver audio and video without making the viewer wait tediously to download files. As your computer plays the media file, it continues to download and buffer additional content from the streaming server. Playing and downloading happen at the same time. This process is almost invisible to the viewer except for a short period of initial buffering.
The goal of streaming media is to work around the bandwidth limitations of the Internet. Using almost proprietary technologies, data is fed to the user continuously while the media is being played. This technology uses a continuous connection, like the one required for watching TV or listening to the radio. Your computer receives the video or audio just before you see or hear it. You do not need to completely download your media before being able to view it.
Many portal sites offer streaming audio and video services for accessing news and entertainment content on the Internet from a PC. Currently, three incompatible proprietary solutions offered by Real Network, Microsoft, and Apple dominate the Internet streaming software market. In the near future, third-generation mobile communication systems will extend the scope of today s Internet streaming solutions by introducing standardized streaming services, targeting the mobile users specific needs.
By offering data-transmission rates up to 384 Kbps for wide-area coverage and
2 Mbps for local-area coverage, 3G systems will be able to provide high- quality streamed Internet content to the rapidly growing mobile market. In addition to higher data rates, these systems also will offer value-added applications supported by an underlying network that combines streaming services with a range of unique mobile- specific services such as geographical positioning, user profiling, and mobile payment.
Mobile cinema ticketing is one example of such a service. First, the mobile network or a terminal integrated positioning system such as GPS would determine the users geographical location. Then, the service would access a cinema database to generate a list of nearby movie theatres and a user profile database to determine what kind of movies the user likes best. Based on the geographical location information and user-defined preferences, the service would offer the user a selection of available movies and show times. The user would then have the option of using the mobile device to view corresponding movie trailers through a streaming service. Upon choosing a film, the user could purchase a ticket through payment software on the mobile device.
This and other mobile application scenarios present numerous challenges, such as how to provide spectrum- efficient streaming services over varied radio-access networks to different types of end-user terminals. Our standard-based Interactive Media platform addresses these challenges by using an architecture that fits seamlessly into 3G mobile communication systems. An integral part of this architecture is a streaming proxy, which acts on both the service and transport levels. We recently conducted several field trials, which demonstrated that this platform is flexible enough to deal with different operator requirements and that it can provide high-quality streaming services in a mobile application environment.
International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) and the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) will be among the first 3G mobile communication systems to offer wireless wide- band multimedia services using the Internet protocol. Two important technological changes will facilitate this advancement.
Figure 1. Evolution of radio-access technologies. The exponential growth in data-transfer rates will soon make possible wireless wideband multimedia services. MC1x is an intermediate step between cdmaOne and cdma2000 and delivers data rates of up to 144 Kbps in existing cdmaOne spectrum allocations; 1xEV is an enhancement of the cdma2000 standard and allows peak rates up to 2.4 Mbps.
As Figure 1 shows, the first change is a shift from second-generation radio-access technologies such as the global system for mobile (GSM) communication, cdmaOne (an IS-95 code division multiple access standard), and personal digital cellular (PDC) toward more sophisticated systems with higher data-transfer rates such as the enhanced data GSM environment (EDGE), wideband CDMA (WCDMA), and cdma2000

Streaming technology in 3G mobile communication systems - vishnu mohan - 08-16-2017

Streaming Technology in 3G Mobile Communication Systems
At present, the proprietory services provided by RealNetworks, Microsoft, and Apple dominate the Internet streaming software market. The third-generation mobile communication systems can bring forward standardized streaming services targeting the mobile user's specific needs. value-added applications also will be supported that introduces a a range of unique mobile-specific services. The major challenges include providing spectrum-efficient streaming services over varied radio-access networks and varying mobile devices. a streaming proxy acting on the service and transport levels is an important part of this servoces.


the devices are varying with display sizes. the data rate of an ongoing connection will also vary according to the properties of the radio network.

content protection

disallowing the
storage of received content is the simplest option towards this.


An effort to standardise the services is going on by Internet Streaming Media Alliance (ISMA)and the Wireless Multimedia

Forum (WMF). mobile terminals must support all the pro-

prietary Internet streaming formats. The Third-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) tries to solve the mobile

streaming standardization as well as videoconferencing and services for

composing and receiving multimedia messages. 3GPP is the most suitable orga-

nization for mobile streaming standardization .

for full details, refer this pdf:

Streaming technology in 3G mobile communication systems - amitnagpal - 08-16-2017

Please send me a full project report on Streaming Technology in 3G Mobile Communication System. I want to use it for my final year project. Please help me as soon as possible
Please send me a full project report on streaming technology in 3g mobile communication system. I want to use it for my final year project. Please help me as soon as possible