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Study of the mechanical behaviour of a macroscopic glass–polyester composite by ES - Printable Version

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Study of the mechanical behaviour of a macroscopic glass–polyester composite by ES - sonu - 08-16-2017

Study of the mechanical behaviour of a macroscopic
glass polyester composite by ESPI method and numerical simulations

Alberto Corigliano a, , Enrico Papa a, AndreaPavan

Department of Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32. 20133 Milano, Italy
b Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering Giulio Natta , Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32. 20133 Milano, Italy

This paper presents results of an experimental and numerical investigation concerning the mechanical behaviour of macromodels
for fibre-reinforced composites. Cubic specimens containing an increasing number of glass fibres in a polyester matrix have been
produced; the specimens have a 30 mm long side and the fibres a 2 mm long diameter. The displacement field on the surface orthogonal
to the fibre direction has been experimentally determined by means of the non-destructive electronic speckle pattern interferometry
(ESPI) method for specimens subject to transversal compression. The experimental results have been compared with
those of numerical finite element (FE) simulations. The quality of the experimental results and their agreement with the numerical
analyses show that the use of macromodels combined with ESPI method could be a valuable guide for a deeper understanding of the
mechanical behaviour of heterogeneous materials and for the formulation of models.

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