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Collaborative Paper Review tool - Printable Version

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Collaborative Paper Review tool - [email protected] - 08-16-2017


Project title: Collaborative Paper Review tool

The goal of this project is to design and build a database-backed web application to solicit student input in grading other students' paper reviews.
Tool features:
Each student uploads his or her paper review to the system using a web front-end.
After the review posting deadline, each student will log in to grade reviews others document. The student will be presented a randomly-selected subset of submitted reviews (information identifying authors should be removed, and no student should receive his or her own review).
The student will evaluate the reviews in one or more different ways. For example, he might assign each review an objective score (e.g., A-F), or he might rank the reviews (i.e., 1-n).
Once the grades have been submitted, the scores for each student are aggregated. If you choose to use ranking as a scoring mechanism, check out various algorithms for rank aggregation
Finally, each student should be able to see his or her aggregate grade.
Other features:
In addition to this basic functionality, the system should include basic security mechanisms (secure communication, passwords, etc.).
This prototype should be used as a vehicle for testing some hypothesis. For example, you might hypothesize that the combined wisdom of the students is as good as the instructor, or that rank aggregation and objective scoring produce similar grades in practice.
Functional Specification:
1. The system should let the admin register the student s details and provide them with user name and password (which later has to be changed by the student).
2. The student log-in to the system and changes his/her password for the first time.
3. The system should allow the student to post their document for review. (while posting the document, data to be captured)
Uploaded file document(.doc format)
Posted date.
Document owner name
Document title
Document review closure date.
4. The system should display all the documents posted by him/her on the home page, the data to be displayed are
Document title
Number of persons reviewed.
Average grade marks obtained from all the reviews(hyper page link on this grade to display the detail grade marks in each of the review)
Last review date.
5. From the average grade mark link, the details of each of the review should be displayed. The detail data to be displayed are.
Document title on top of the page for which the review detail is displayed.
Review date
Mark obtained in that review