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web based sms push mechanism - Printable Version

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web based sms push mechanism - chandu_14 - 08-16-2017


Development of an Web-based SMS push mechanism
SMS push mechanism is a way of pushing the information to the user who would be interested in that. This technique is widely used in web-site advertising (showing the advertisements that a user with a certain profile would be interested in, yahoo! sites for example). This technique can also be applied in other areas wherein a user with a known profile interacts with an information system (such as a website). Based on the profile and on the history of activities of the user, a behavioral profile of that user could be determined and this behavioral profile will help the sms push system in determining the content that the particular user would like to view.
In this Project there are three type of users:
1.Business Users-who would be registering with our portal and send all the updated messages.
2.Users who is interested in updates of the particular category/keywords.
3.Admin User-who is maintaining the site and Blocking/unblocking the keywords.
There are many ways in which information can be pushed to the user. And there are many criteria on which the sms push can be activated. It may be based on his details (like his age, location, education etc). In this case, the required details of that person should be available to the information-push system. Or, it may be based subscribed keywords Or it may be based on a combination of the user details and user activities.
User activities:
1.User is subscribed by registering through site and he/she is selecting the favorite keywords so that in the future he would be getting all the updates through sms.
2.User can view the messages sent
Administrator activities:
1. Admin can Block/Unblock the keywords registered by business users.
2. Admin can view the messages sent to specified users/random users.

web based sms push mechanism - ashish rawat - 08-16-2017

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