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Gun Fighter Wireless Robot - Printable Version

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Gun Fighter Wireless Robot - jango_saroj - 08-16-2017

Gun Fighter Wireless Robot


The above block diagram shows the Gun fighter wireless robot. It is a full proof system which can be used for defense and also can be used for surveillance. So here we will see the implementation of it.
The main blocks of our system are as follows:
1. Controller
2. DC motor
3. Stepper motor
4. Transmitter and Receiver section.
1. Controller= The main unit of our system is microcontroller which actually takes all decision and executes it here we have used AVR ATMEGA 16 controller. The code is written in it. Controller gives the output to L298A driver which drives the two DC motor according to command. It also gives output driver ULN2003 which drives the stepper motor according to the command it makes the movement.

2. DC motor= We have used DC motor for the movement of the robot this motor is drived by the L298A. We have used 60 RPM two DC motor and resulting movement is performed by robot. Controller output is given to DC motor.
Specification=L298 (Spec=12v,3A Input =5v Output=12v)

3. Stepper motor=Because of the controlled action given by stepper motor we have used to control gun movement. The output of controller is given to ULN2003 driver which drives the stepper motor.
Specification=(ULN2003 12v,3A Stepper =18 degree 12v 300mA ,1kg Torque)

4. Transmitter and Receiver section =This section consist of RF Tuner which sends and receives command here a camera is interfaced above the robot which continuously sends the data if the command is A the robot will go in forward direction similarly the data is transmitted. As RF data cannot be directly interfaced to PC we use a TV tuner.(RF is used at 2.4Ghz).
5. PC(MATLAB+VB) + MODEM =It s a user interface on which we give the command to robot and also make the movement of gun via stepper motor. The software used is MATLAB and VB the gui window is as shown below.