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web traffic???????????? - Printable Version

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web traffic???????????? - sruthy sunil - 08-16-2017

Good news is that buying visitors for your web site is actually pretty cheap. You can usually get 1000 visitors for as little as $3. Bad news is that if you are selling a product, the traffic does not convert as well as other means of getting visitors to your site. However, I use this method to regularly get traffic to my sites and find it to be fairly profitable. I think it depends on where you get the traffic from (some providers are better than others). I use because they offer options that let me accurately target which visitors I want them to send me. For example, I sell a product that earns me $20 for each sell. The traffic I buy only converts at a rate of about .5% (pretty low). However, that means I usually get 4 or 5 sales for every 1000 visitors I buy giving be a nice $77 to $97 profit. Not too shabby. If you sell a product, then I think you will be able to make some decent money using this approach.