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stock maintenance system in vb using ms access - Printable Version

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stock maintenance system in vb using ms access - sharonsden - 08-16-2017

stock maintenance system in vb using ms access

This project STOCK MAINTENANCE SYSTEM has been developed for the computerization of the handling stock of a product. This project mainly deals with the items, suppliers, sales, purchase basis. The project get all the details about the items stock and how many the product have sold and purchased. This makes the manager manage the product easily and can retrieve the information easily.

The main goal of this project is to reduce manual works, increase the processing speed and ensure reliability of data. This project Stock Maintenance System deals with stock Management in a concern. This project also takes care of maintaining records of all the sales details, purchase details of the concern.

Various reports are generated based on the requirement of the concern, reports will present the management with the current position of the company. The project will be a efficient tool for the company and it will aid in the improvement of the company.


The various phases in the study are the Introduction, System Analysis, System Design, Testing and Implementation.

Introduction Phase deals with the overview of the project, objective of the study organization profile and the chapter scheme. System Analysis lists the existing system in the company and the system proposed in the project.

System design lists the logical structure of the project along with the flow of data for each form. The various input forms and the output forms along with its needs and uses are explained.

Code design and its uses are listed.

Item Details:

The item Module deals with information about the details of the product that the concern handling. It consist of details such as the name of the product, id generated, quantity, cost, etc. This information is retrieved during the sales and purchase of a product.

Supplier Details:

The Supplier Module deals with the information about the details of the suppliers giving product to the organization. It consist of details such as supplier name, address, email id, Phone number, sales tax number etc. This information is retrieved when a Purchase is done

Purchase Details :

The purchase Module deals with various item name, supplier name, quantity of the product. Color of the product, amount per unit etc

Sales Details:

The Sales Module maintains daily sales of the product of the organization. It consist of details such as the item name, sales id, quantity, amount etc. This information is retrieved from the database when a sales detail report or view activity is made by the concern.


The first is the study is the Introduction Part, which contains the Overview of the Project and the Objective of the Study along with the Introduction about the Company and the Chapter Scheme.

In the Overview of the Project the various modules in the project are explained with its needs and uses.Introduction about the Company explains the various activities that are involved in the company.

System Analysis explains the current system which is followed in the company before implementing the project, the drawbacks of the current system is analyzed and the proposed system is build in a way that the problems which are faced in the existing system is eradicated.

System Analysis also lists the various hardware and software requirements that are needed to implement the project.

System Design is a phase which explains the logical structure of the project. Data flow diagram is a action oriented process which explains the flow of information for various forms.Input design lists the various input forms in the project and the need for the input form. Output design lists the various output forms in the project along with its needs and uses. Output form also lists the various reports that are used in the project.

Coding design is used to emphasize the need and uses of coding.


The system, which is followed at present, is a manual system. The system consists of Book Of Accounts that has to be maintained in all aspects. Printing work are difficult. In the existing system each and every time a reference should be made manually. There are high possibilities to commit errors and mistakes, which leads to produce the wrong statements to the management. Report generation is also not an easy task.

Another important drawback of existing system is time factor. It will not help the management to solve the problem in time. The management could not act on any issue purchase of production unless getting the reports in time controls cannot be used. The above said reasons are overcome by using the Visual Basic 6.0. Since the security system in this package is more secure than other software packages.

The development suits the small business the stock management software is very essential. According to user actual situation and demand, We develop the raw material stock management system choice development tools and the running disposition all is suitable basic. First from configuration, We choose the development kit has Access and VB. Its development mainly includes the backstage database the establishment and the maintenance as well as front ends the application procedure development two aspects. Establishes the data uniformity and the integrity regarding former request is strong, the data security good storehouse, Access answers the purpose completely. But regarding latter then the request application procedure functions complete, Easy to use and so on the characteristic, The personnel quality request is not very high. This system mainly completes to the raw material warehouse stock management, goes into storage, the storehouse including the raw material, the stock, the user information as well as the password management and so on four aspects.

stock maintenance system in vb using ms access - nandkrushna - 08-16-2017

plz.. send me the source code for stock maintenance system in vb using ms access