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how to write Project Documentation ? answer added - sreeraju - 08-16-2017

Project Documentation

Project documentation is used to define the way in which a project will be managed and the governance surrounding it. Project reports cover all the aspects of business, from analyzing the market, confirming availability of various necessities such as plant & machinery, raw materials to forecasting the financial requirements. The scope of the report includes assessing market potential, negotiating with collaborators, investment decision making, corporate diversification planning etc. in a very planned manner by formulating detailed manufacturing techniques and forecasting financial aspects by estimating the cost of raw material, formulating the cash flow statement, projecting the balance sheet etc.

Software Documentation

What is a Software Product?

A software product is represented and distributed as a package of documentation
Includes many kinds of documentation
Often organized as a directory of subdirectories
Some documentation is expressed in formal language
Meant to be read by machines or other software
Can be very hard or impossible for humans to read
Other documentation is express in natural language
Can be very hard for humans to understand
The use of logic and mathematics can significantly improve the quality of documentation
But can still be very hard for humans to understand
Purpose of Software Documentation
1. Provide a software product in an executable form
2. Describe the software product

The requirements the product is intended to satisfy
The design of the product
The implementation of the product
The capabilities and limitations of the product
The product from different perspectives
3. Show that the product is correct
4. Make the product easier to:

Kinds of Software Documentation
1. Requirements specifications
2. Design descriptions
3. Source code
4. Verification and testing results
5. Instructions for the administrator
6. Instructions for the user
7. Standards documentation

What makes Software Documentation Different?

1. Software is not physical or strongly visible
2. A software product is represented and distributed as documentation
3. Software involves formal, machine-readable languages
4. The content of software is largely logic and mathematics
5. Software documentation has many different purposes
6. A software product needs many kinds of documentation

Styles of Software Documentation
1. Tutorial

Teaches some aspect of the software
Often used for user documentation
2. Reference document

Software parts are presented individually
Is not intended to be read cover to cover
3. Hyperlinked set of documents

Requirements are connected to the design, the design is connected to the code, etc.
4. Layered set of documents

Presents software at different layers of abstraction
Example: algorithms are presented separately from code
5. Derivational document

Shows how software is derived from the requirements
May be a proof of correctness
6. Single-source document

Different documents and different views are generated from a single source
Example: literate programming where a documentation file and a code file are generated from the same source
Example: Javadoc and similar approaches
Example: A family of manuals generated from the same source
7. On-line, searchable documentation

Can include a cut-and-paste facility for assembling new documentation
8. Documents with reader-controlled syntax

Reader chooses his or her own presentation syntax, conventions, and format
Frees the reader from the standard syntax of a formal language
Code: General Recommendations

Structure the code in a consistent manner
As a general rule, choose clarity before efficiency
Express the structure of the software s design in the software s code
Follow the conventions of the programming language being used
Keep the Code Simple

Write procedures that fit on one screen
Put at most one programming statement on a line
Keep the following measures low:
Loop nesting level
Conditional nesting level
Number of local variables in a procedure
Avoid control structures that radically change state
Exits, gotos, state jumps, self-modifying code
Avoid nonstandard language features
Naming Programming Entities

Naming is an important but difficult task
One should employ a naming convention
Names should be short and descriptive
The more global the entity, the more descriptive the name should be
The more local, the shorter the name can be
A name may include:
Type of entity or return value
Name of module
Words in a name can be separated by underscores, hyphens, and case changes, but avoid using spaces
Formatting Code

Use formatting to display the structure of the code
Indentation to display subordinate relationships between code
Alignment to identify blocks of code
Blank lines to separate blocks of code
Write fully bracketed code to facilitate maintenance
Write code in tabular form whenever possible
Avoid wrap-around code
Line up comments to the right of the code
Scope of Variables

Make the scope of variables as narrow as possible
Avoid global variables
A wide-scoped variable is:
Harder to maintain because its instances may appear far apart from each other
More easily corrupted because its data can be modified by diverse procedures
Decrease the scope of a variable by introducing procedures for accessing the variable

Use a convention for naming and ordering parameters
Make explicit and carefully control any side-effects
Keep the use of side-effects to a minimum
Make the scope of procedures as narrow as possible
Any code fragment used more than once should be made into a procedure
Make procedures powerful
Use simple procedures to invoke powerful procedures in special ways

Commenting Code

Begin every code file with:
Copyright statement
Description of contents
Revision date and log of changes made to the file
Each variable declaration
Each procedure definition
Loops and larger blocks of code
Anything that is not obvious
Avoid excessive comments in procedure bodies
Write code so that what it does is obvious