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advantages of water level controller using 8051 microcontroller wikipedia - Printable Version

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advantages of water level controller using 8051 microcontroller wikipedia - gargwal - 08-17-2017

In our daily lives, we often use different types of sensors in various electronic devices such as proximity sensor-mobile phone, motion sensor-automatic door operating system, temperature sensor-automatic fan speed control, sensor LDR Automatic street light System or automatic outdoor lighting system, and so on. Similarly, to prevent overflow of water in the tank above or in the water vessel, we can use the electronic circuit based on ultrasonic sensor. This article discusses the ultrasonic water level controller using 8051.

Water Level Controller

The water level controller, the name itself indicates that an electronic device or circuit kit used to control the water level can be referred to as a water level controller. It is difficult to know the level of water in the tank above, so that water waste can occur frequently. To conserve water, avoid overflow of water in the tank above that can cause loss of water, loss of electrical energy, etc. Therefore, the 8051 micro-controller ultrasonic water level controller is an innovative electronic project application to control the water level.

The level sensor probes for the upper tank are connected to port 2 of the microcontroller via transistors. Take a look at the sensor probe arrangement for the tank above in Fig1. A positive voltage supply probe goes to the bottom of the tank. The probes for detecting 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and FULL levels are placed with equal spacing one by one above the lower positive probe. Consider the highest (full-level) probe, its other end is connected to the base of transistor Q4 through resistor R16. Whenever the water rises to full level, the current flows to the base of transistor Q4, which turns it ON and therefore its collector voltage goes down. The Q4 manifold is connected to P2.4 and a low voltage in P2.4 means that the overload tank is not FULL. When the water level passes below the full-level probe, the Q2 base opens by turning it OFF. Now your collector voltage goes high and high in P2.4 means the tank is not full. The same applies to other sensor probes (3/4, 1/2, 1/4) and the microprocessor understands the current level by scanning the access pins P2.4, P2.5, P2.6 and P2.7 . All these port pins are high (all sensor probes are open) means the tank is empty.

The P0.5 port pin is used to control the pump. Whenever it is necessary to start the pumping, the controller makes P0.5 under which causes the transistor Q6 to activate, which in turn activates the relay K1 that switches the pump. The d6 LED also illuminates indicating that the engine is running. LED D7 is the low power indicator. When the water level in the sump tank goes down, the controller makes P0.7 below which causes the D7 LED to glow.

advantages of water level controller using 8051 microcontroller wikipedia - menonsbk - 08-17-2017

Plz send me advantages of water level controller using 8051