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Clock-Tree Power Optimization based on RTL Clock-Gating - Printable Version

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Clock-Tree Power Optimization based on RTL Clock-Gating - santosh4048 - 08-17-2017

As power consumption of the clock tree in modern VLSI designs
tends to dominate, measures must be taken to keep it
under control. This paper introduces an approach for reducing
clock power based on clock gating. We present a methodology
that, starting from an RTL description, automatically
generates a set of constraints for driving the construction of
the clock tree by the clock synthesis tool. The methodology
has been fully integrated into an industry-strength design
flow, based on Synopsys DesignCompiler (front-end) and
Cadence Silicon Ensemble (back-end). The power savings
achieved on some industrial examples show that, when the
size of the circuits is significant, savings on the power consumption
of the clock tree are up to 75% larger than those
achieved by applying traditional clock gating at the clock
inputs of the RTL modules of the designs.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
B.5 [Hardware]: Register-Transfer-Level Implementation;
B.6 [Hardware]: Logic Design; B.7 [Hardware]: Integrated
General Terms
Low-power design, clock-tree synthsis
The clock distribution network normally accounts for more
than 40% of the total power budget of a CMOS circuit, as
the clock nets operate at the highest switching frequency of
any other signal and they drive a large fanout. Designing
the clock tree is thus critical not only for performance, but
also for power.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
permission and/or a fee.
DAC 2003, June 2-6, 2003, Anaheim, California, USA.
Copyright 2003 ACM 1-58113-688-9/03/0006 ..$5.00.
Early work on clock tree synthesis focused on the generation
of zero-skew trees [10] or minimum wire-length [4] clock distribution
networks. More recently the area of low power
clock tree synthesis has been investigated.
In [5], the authors proposed an approach based on reduced
voltage swings, while in [3] power savings on the clock network
were obtained by taking advantage of interconnection
parasitic inductance. Also, solutions based on powerconstrained
buffer insertion and simultaneous buffer and
clock wire sizing can provide significant savings [11, 2, 1].
Although these techniques are effective, none of them considers
that clock signals are not always needed, and thus
power can be saved by masking off (i.e., gating) the clock
when circuits are idle.
Clock gating can significantly reduce the switching activity
in a circuit and on clock nets; thus, it has been viewed as
one of the most effective logic, RTL and architectural approaches
to power minimization. Unfortunately, if applied
in a uncontrolled fashion, gating can adversely impact clock
power. In fact, in order to amortize its power and area
overhead, clock-gating logic should be shared among several
flip-flops. If the flip-flops that share a common gated
clock (i.e., a gated-clock domain) are widely dispersed across
the chip, a significant wiring overhead is induced in the clock
distribution network, as each domain must be independently
distributed on dedicated wires. As a result, clock drivers in
each domain are loaded with a much larger capacitance and
power may increase even if switching activity is decreased
[6, 9]. We then conclude that clock gating and clock tree
construction should not be seen as two independent steps
and a synergistic strategy is needed.
Several authors have focused on this problem in the recent
past. In the sequel, we briefly summarize two contributions
that have some common roots with the approach we propose
in this paper.

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