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quick lifting jack by using gear pdf - Printable Version

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quick lifting jack by using gear pdf - gyan - 08-17-2017

quick lifting jack by using gear pdf

Now a days, In most of the garages the vehicles are lifted by using screw jack. This needs high man power and skilled labours. In order to avoid all such disadvantages. This, motorized hydraulic jack has been designed in such a way that it can be used to lift the vehicle smoothly without any impact forces. This operation is made be simple that even an unskilled labour can handled, by just demonstrating the working of the motorized hydraulic jack once.

The project work is titled AUTOMATIC QUICK LIFTING JACK has been conceived having in lifting the any type of light vehicles.
Our survey in regards in several automobiles garages, revealed the facts that mostly some difficult methods were adopting in the vehicle for reconditioning. The vehicle can be lift from the floor is very difficult for ladies and adults. Now the project has mainly concentrated on this difficulty, and hence a suitable device has been designed. Such that the vehicle can be lift from the floor land without application of any impact forces. We are using motorized hydraulic jack to lifting the vehicles.

quick lifting jack by using gear pdf - novyuva - 08-17-2017

iam doing this as my academic project,,so iwant details about this project