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ONLINE PROMOTION EXAMINATION - [email protected] - 08-17-2017

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ONGC every year conducts Promotion Examination for its staffs. There are two types of promotion in ONGC, one for officers on merit basis and second for staff on examination basis. For merit basis there is no promotion exam but for the second type an examination is conducted by an external agency hired by ONGC, this results into lot of efforts and financial implication on the organization. To minimize the financial implications and streamlining the process the requirement of the online promotion examination was generated.
Online Promotion Examination is developed on SAP platform in ABAP programming language. There are two user groups for the process. The user groups are identified by their authorizations.
1. Administrator (Examination Controller)
2. Candidate (Employees of ONGC)
Main steps for administrator:
Upload the question bank
Administrator has to collect all questions in .txt form with a proper format according to the database table in which questions will be uploaded.
Upload the correct answers
Administrator has to upload correct answer with corresponding question numbers. Answers will be uploaded using a text file in the predefined format according to the database table.
Validate master data of the candidates
They have to validate personnel number, date & time of examination and discipline of every candidate.
Prepare the final result
Administrator has to prepare the final result of the examination using predefined criteria of evaluation i.e. marks for each question and negative marking.
Main steps for candidates :
Registration for the examination
Candidates have to register with their personnel number before exam.
Login for examination
After successful registration, candidate can login for exam by entering login id and assigned password.
Appear in demo examination
In login page candidate will find one DEMO button for demonstration of the exam so that before actual examination candidate can practice and get the idea.
Read instructions for main examination
Candidate can read the instruction in login page for his/her convenience and take and complete the exam in a proper way.
Appear in main examination
Using EXAM START button candidates can enter and appear for the main promotion exam.
Access to own final result
After taking exam, candidate has to use SUBMIT button for access his/her final result.
There are two types of group so both have different function to do. After registration, if the user registered as an administrator can create the questions and can conduct the exam and publish the results and reports. . Already registered user can only register a new user as an administrator. But those visitors who are not registered have to register as a candidate before they login. If the user registered as a candidate and he/she can appear the exam. The Login page contains several portions according to the candidate wants to go for demonstration of exam or see the instructions or start the exam. Tests are created on a random basis per candidate with a particular time limit during which they are to be answered.