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Asynchronous Transfer Mode - itsarichmansworld - 10-04-2017


Asynchronous Transfer Mode

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What is ATM
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), a dedicated connection switching technology, uses digital signal technology that divides upper-level data (digital data) into 53 byte cell units and to transmit on a physical medium.
A cell is individually asynchronously processed relative to other cells .
It operates independently of the type of transmission being generated at the upper layers and of the type of the physical layer medium below it.
This allows ATM technology to transport all kinds of transmissions(data, voice, video etc.) in a single integrated data stream over any medium at speed of 155 Mbps and beyond.
ATM is a vital part of ISDN (BISDN) along with SONET (Synchronous Optical Network) and other technologies
What is ATM
ATM Cell
ATM Cell

ATM transforms information in fixed size units called cells

Each cell consists of 53 bytes . The first 5 bytes contains cell-header information, and the remaining 48 contains the payload(user information)

Why a small cell instead of large packet?

Small cells are well suited for voice and video traffic because traffic is intolerant of delays that result from having to wait for a large data packet to download.
No need for in-route fragmentation.

Why a fixed cell size instead of variable packet size?

Switch architecture can be optimized to the fixed size, so switching can be done in hardware.
Scalable parallel switch designs.

Why 53 bytes?

US wanted 64 payload bytes , Europe wanted 32
Compromised on 48
+5 header = 53
ATM Devices

An ATM network consists of ATM switch and ATM endpoints.
ATM switch is responsible for cell transmit through an ATM network.
It accepts the incoming cell from an ATM end point or another ATM switch. Then reads and updates the cell header information & quickly switches the cell to an output interface towards destination.
An ATM endpoint contains an ATM network interface adapter.
Ex: Workstations, routers, Digital Service Units(DSUs), LAN switches, and video coder and decoders.
ATM network comprises ATM switches and endpoints
ATM Network Interfaces
ATM Network Interfaces

An ATM network consists of a set of ATM switches interconnected by point-to-point ATM links or interfaces.
ATM switches primarily uses two types of interfaces:
UNI (User to Network Interface)
NNI (Network to Network Interface)
UNI connects ATM end systems to an ATM switch.
NNI connects two ATM switch.
UNI & NNI is further divided into public & private UNI and NNIs.
B-ICI(Broadband Intercarrier Interface) connects two public switches from different service providers

ATM Cell Header

ATM Cell Header Format
An ATM cell header can be of two formats:
The UNI header is used for communication between ATM endpoints and ATM switches in private ATM networks.
The NNI header is used for communication between ATM switches.

ATM Cell Header Fields

GFC(Generic Flow Control) Provides local functions , such as identifying multiple stations that share a single ATM interface.
Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) - In conjunction with the VCI, identifies the next destination of a cell
as it passes through a series of ATM switches on the way to its destination.

Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI) - In conjunction with the VPI, identifies the next destination of a cell as it passes through a series of ATM switches on the way to its destination.
Payload Type (PT) - Indicates in the first bit whether the cell contains user data or control data. If the cell contains user data, the bit is set to 0. If it contains control data, it is set to 1. The second bit indicates congestion (0 = no congestion, 1 = congestion), and the third bit indicates whether the cell is the last in a series of cells that represent a single AAL5 frame (1 = last cell for the frame).
Cell Loss Priority (CLP) - If the CLP bit equals 1, the cell should be discarded in preference to cells with the CLP bit equal to 0.
Header Error Control (HEC) - Calculates checksum only on the first 4 bytes of the header. HEC can correct a single bit error in these bytes, thereby preserving the cell rather than discarding it.
ATM Services
Three types of ATM services exist:

Permanent virtual circuits (PVC)
Switched virtual circuits (SVC),
Connectionless service (which is similar to SMDS).

PVC: Allows direct connectivity between sites(similar to a leased line).
SVC: Created and released dynamically and remains in use only as long as data is being transferred(similar to a telephone call).

ATM Reference Model
ATM Reference Model

The ATM reference model is composed of the following planes, which span all layers:
Control This plane is responsible for generating and managing signaling requests.
User This plane is responsible for managing the transfer of data.
Management This plane contains two components:

Layer management manages layer-specific functions, such as the detection of failures and protocol problems.
Plane management manages and coordinates functions related to the complete system.
ATM Reference Model
The ATM reference model is composed of the following ATM layers:

Physical layer Analogous to the physical layer of the OSI reference model, the ATM physical layer manages the medium-dependent transmission.
ATM layer The ATM layer is responsible for the simultaneous
sharing of virtual circuits over a physical page link (cell multiplexing) and passing cells through the ATM network (cell relay).
ATM adaptation layer (AAL) The AAL is responsible for isolating higher-layer protocols from the details of the ATM processes. The adaptation layer prepares user data for conversion into cells and segments the data into 48-byte cell payloads.
ATM Advantages Quality based

It is scalable and flexible. It can support megabit-to-gigabit transfer speeds and is not tied to a specific physical medium.
It efficiently transmits video, audio, and data through the implementation of several adaptation layers.
Bandwidth can be allocated as needed, lessening the impact on and by high-bandwidth users.
It transmits data in fixed-length packets, called cells, each of which is 53 bytes long, containing 48 bytes of payload and 5 bytes of header.
It is asynchronous in the sense that although cells are relayed synchronously, particular users need not send data at regular intervals.
It is connection oriented, using a virtual circuit to transmit cells that share the same source and destination over the same route.

Large geographical distribution
LAN arena dominated by huge installed Ethernet base
Ethernet growing toward MAN, WAN

IP Support

Connectionless oriented
Switching and routing performed together.
Only best effort service.

Living up to the hype of early 90s.
ATM Applications ATM technologies, standards, and services are being applied in a wide range of networking environments, as described briefly below.

ATM Applications

ATM services:Service providers globally are introducing or already offering ATM services to their business users.

ATM workgroup and campus networks Enterprise users are deploying ATM campus networks based on the ATM LANE standards. Workgroup ATM is more of a niche market with the wide acceptance of switched-Ethernet desktop technologies.

ATM enterprise network consolidation :A full-featured ATM ENS offers a broad range of in-building (e.g., voice, video, LAN, and ATM) and wide-area interfaces (e.g., leased line, circuit switched, frame relay, and ATM at narrowband and broadband speeds).

Multimedia virtual private networks and managed services Service providers are building on their ATM networks to offer a broad range of services. Examples include managed ATM, LAN, voice and video services and full-service virtual private-networking capabilities.
ATM Applitcations

Frame-relay backbones Frame-relay service providers are deploying ATM backbones to meet the rapid growth of their frame-relay services to use as a networking infrastructure for a range of data services and to enable frame relay to ATM service interworking services.

Internet backbones Internet service providers are likewise deploying ATM backbones to meet the rapid growth of their frame-relay services, to use as a networking infrastructure for a range of data services, and to enable Internet class-of-service offerings and virtual private intranet services.

Residential broadband networks ATM is the networking infrastructure of choice for carriers establishing residential broadband services, driven by the need for highly scalable solutions.

Carrier infrastructures for the telephone and private-line networks Some carriers have identified opportunities to make more-effective use of their SONET/SDH fiber infrastructures by building an ATM infrastructure to carry their telephony and private-line traffic.

Thank You

Asynchronous Transfer Mode - ankita23 - 10-04-2017

Asynchronous Transfer Mode

The successful deployment of broadband networks and services requires a comprehensive assessment of the capabilities of the impacted network elements. In particular, conformance, performance, and interoperability testing of switching systems and routers is necessary for all aspects of network and service deployment. To ensure timely, high quality deployment of products and services on Multi Protocol Label Switching, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Frame Relay, and/or Internet Protocol (IP)-based networks, network service providers need to select network equipment with proven reliability and the interoperability necessary to support the services they plan to offer. Often, service providers will refuse to purchase new products and capabilities from their existing telecommunications suppliers if they have experienced numerous or significant field problems with that supplier s products in the past.

In this intensely competitive equipment market, telecommunications suppliers need to ascertain with confidence that their network equipment will meet the applicable specifications and standards expected by the customers and further, that this equipment will integrate successfully with other network equipment from a diversified market of suppliers to deliver the quality of service expected by customers.

Telecommunications suppliers need to determine whether their equipment:

1) Meets industry standards and network requirements for the network service it intends to support

2) Delivers an acceptable quality of service given the wide variety and quantity of traffic that may be experienced in the network

3) Conforms to the necessary standards that enable it to integrate with other network equipment, so that it can deliver reliable end-to-end service.

IP and ATM are major examples for connectionless and connection-oriented services. Connectionless IP is more efficient for browsing, e-mail, and other non-real time services demanding quality and real time delivery. But for services demanding guaranteed quality and real-time delivery, fixed-path ATM is a much better candidate. A standalone ATM or IP network has additional problems. For ATM, despite the efforts, there is still little confidence that statistical multiplexing can be economically implemented in a gigabit network.

Project Description

After many years of research, it is abundantly clear that future networks need two modes of operation: datagram (connectionless) and virtual circuit (connection-oriented). IP and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) are the two archetypal examples. Connectionless IP is more efficient for browsing, e-mail, and other non-real-time services, but for services demanding guaranteed quality and real-time delivery, fixed-path ATM is a much better candidate. A standalone ATM or IP network has additional problems. For ATM, despite overwhelming efforts, there is still little confidence that statistical multiplexing can be economically implemented in a gigabit network. It is unrealistic to expect all users know the call descriptors of their connections. Without statistical multiplexing, the potentially large amount of unused bandwidth from the real-time virtual channels may be wasted. For IP, supporting real-time services with guaranteed quality requires bandwidth reservation; but the constant change of paths in an IP network makes bandwidth reservation difficult to implement.
Pinning, however, can cause IP to lose the flexibility of a connectionless network. Even if pinning is used, the network still needs to deal with the issues of call admission control rate policing, pricing, and how to support a variety of charging policies (like 800 services). To successfully tackle these issues requires extensive signaling capability, which is the characteristic of a connection-oriented network. With each additional step added to IP, the network will look more like an ATM network.
Hardware Specification:
Processor Type : Pentium -IV
Speed : 1.2 GHZ
Ram : 128 MB RAM
Hard disk : 20 GB HD

Software Specification:
Operating System : Win2000/XP
Programming Package : CORE JAVA.

Asynchronous Transfer Mode - jinomanohar - 10-04-2017


These computers include the entire spectrum of PCs, through professional workstations up to super-computers. As the performance of computers has increased, so too has the demand for communication between all systems for exchanging data, or between central servers and the associated host computer system.The replacement of copper with fiber and the advancement sin digital communication and encoding are at the heart of several developments that will change the communication infrastructure. The former development has provided us with huge amount of transmission bandwidth. While the latter has made the transmission of all information including voice and video through a packet switched network possible.

With continuously work sharing over large distances, including international communication, the systems must be interconnected via wide area networks with increasing demands for higher bit rates.
For the first time, a single communications technology meets LAN and WAN requirements and handles a wide variety of current and emerging applications. ATM is the first technology to provide a common format for bursts of high speed data and the ebb and flow of the typical voice phone call. Seamless ATM networks provide desktop-to-desktop multimedia networking over single technology, high bandwidth, low latency network, removing the boundary between LAN WAN.

ATM is simply a Data Link Layer protocol. It is asynchronous in the sense that the recurrence of the cells containing information from an individual user is not necessarily periodic. It is the technology of choice for evolving B-ISDN (Board Integrated Services Digital Network), for next generation LANs and WANs. ATM supports transmission speeds of 155Mbits / sec. In the future, Photonic approaches have made the advent of ATM switches feasible, and an evolution towards an all packetized, unified, broadband telecommunications and data communication world based on ATM is taking place.

These computers include the entire spectrum of PCs, through professional workstations upto super-computers. As the performance of computers has increased, so too has the demand for communication between all systems for exchanging data, or between central servers and the associated host computer system.
The replacement of copper with fiber and the advancement sin digital communication and encoding are at the heart of several developments that will change the communication infrastructure. The former development has provided us with huge amount of transmission bandwidth. While the latter has made the transmission of all information including voice and video through a packet switched network possible.

With continuously work sharing over large distances, including international communication, the systems must be interconnected via wide area networks with increasing demands for higher bit rates.For the first time, a single communications technology meets LAN and WAN requirements and handles a wide variety of current and emerging applications. ATM is the first technology to provide a common format for bursts of high speed data and the ebb and flow of the typical voice phone call. Seamless ATM networks provide desktop-to-desktop multimedia networking over single technology, high bandwidth, low latency network, removing the boundary between LAN WAN.

Asynchronous Transfer Mode - Pravin.pbw - 10-04-2017

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