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fb aodv ppt - Printable Version

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fb aodv ppt - tosatish - 08-16-2017

Android is a complete and innovative Open Source platform for mobile devices. FB-aodv is an extension of the existing AODV protocol. This work propose creation of a Mobile Ad-hoc Network with Android smart phones. We used FB-aodv to manage the networks and some bash script to share informations within the networks. MANET was tested by simple applications to view local neighbors, to send sms and voice over the networks.

fb aodv ppt - honey - 08-16-2017

hi i would like to create an adhoc network using mobile phones. so i came across fb AODV, but i dont have any idea about that so can you guys please help. we want to create an adhoc network consists of mobile phones, laptops , rpi that run AODV for communication. thank you