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Bug tracking system - vibhooti - 10-04-2017

Bug Tracking System
For many years, bug-tracking mechanism is employed only in some of the large software development houses. Most of the others never bothered with bug tracking at all, and instead simply relied on shared lists and email to monitor the status of defects. This procedure is error-prone and tends to cause those bugs judged least significant by developers to be dropped or ignored.
Bug Tracking System is an ideal solution to track the bugs of a product, solution or an application. Bug Tracking System allows individual or groups of developers to keep track of outstanding bugs in their product effectively. This can also be called as Defect Tracking System.
The Bug Tracking System can dramatically increase the productivity and accountability of individual employees by providing a documented workflow and positive feedback for good performance.
Some salient features are
1. Product and Component based
2. Creating & Changing Bugs at ease
3. Query Bug List to any depth
4. Reporting & Charting in more comprehensive way
5. User Accounts to control the access and maintain security
6. Simple Status & Resolutions
7. Multi-level Priorities & Severities.
8. Targets & Milestones for guiding the programmers
9. Attachments & Additional Comments for more information
10. Robust database back-end
Modules & Description
1. Authenticate User
The Bug Tracking System first activates the login form. Here the user enters the User name and password and our system starts the authentication process in which the username and password are matched with the existing username and password in the database. If the password matches then it is allowed to the main page else it warns the user for Invalid User name and password.
After successful authentication the system activates menus. The activity log also prepared for failures and security.
2. Products
List Of Products
After successful authentication the user is provided with the list existing products. Here the user can view the details of products and can modify the existing products. This project even provides the facility of adding new projects.
Product Versions
All the products are maintained in several versions. As it is not possible to complete the whole project in a single version Features required for the product are categorized into several version with dead lines. And the versions are completed according to their dead line dates. Here the user can add new versions to a product or can modify the existing details of version.
Product Users
In order to complete the project each product is allotted with Resources or users. First all the employees with their names and qualifications are stored in the database. Each user is allotted to the product based on their rating, Qualification and designation. For each user Effective date is stored which specifies the total period a user is valid for that product.
3. Bug Details
Bug Details
In this module the user is provided with the facility for adding bugs or updating the existing bugs. As the number of bugs for a product can be very large this system is provided with efficient filtering. The user can filter the bugs based on the priority, database, operating system and status. After the user applies filter the list of bugs are displayed from the database.
Bug History
Here the bug history is maintained. All the solutions given for the bug resolution by various users are stored. As the bug needs several techniques or methods for resolution it is important to store the history of the bug.
Bug Assignee
This displays the list of users for whom the bug is assigned for resolution. As the bug need to be resolved for completing the product several user are assigned to find a solution for the bug. The user can add this bug to a new user or he can modify the existing user details.
Bug Attachments
This gives a list of attachments for a particular bug. The bug can be of any type it can be a database bug or a GUI bug. So while you add a bug you need to provide with the details of bug. So the file attachments can be a document, database file or an image file. All then attachments are stored in a location along with the size and type of the file. Here the user can add a new attachment or can change the details of existing files.
4. Bug Tracking
Track Hierarchy
All the bugs saved in the database will have a particular hierarchy. There might be bugs which can be related to the earlier bugs saved in the database so our system is provided with a hierarchy. And user can add child nodes in this hierarchy or he can modify the existing values of the nodes. This hierarchy is based on the parent child relation ship between the bugs.
Track Resolution
This displays a list of all solutions provided by the users allotted to a bug. This stores the action type and the necessary resolution provided by the user.
Track Resources
This displays list of resources allotted to the project. As the bugs need to be resolved resources are provided for the bugs. These Resources will be the resources allotted to the project. The resources are allotted based on the rating of the employee.
5. View
Product Bug Hierarchy
This module is just for displaying the hierarchy for the easy Look of the bugs. Here the bugs are displayed in the form of parent child nodes. As it is difficult for the user to look at the vast number of bugs in the database. And one cannot easily access the relation between the bugs.
Product User Hierarchy
This module if for displaying the users allotted to the bug. The users along with their name and designation are displayed in this module. Even in the allotment of resources there can be hierarchy between the employees depending on their designation. So this module simplifies the hierarchy among the employees.
6. Search
Our system provides with the feature of advanced search technique. Generally Number of bugs for a project increased tremendously so if we want to know about a particular bug It takes much amount of time. With the search screen provided one can filter the bug s base on priority, product, severity, database and type of operating system. He can also list the bugs between particular time based on the start date and end date. After Searching it displays a list of bugs. From this list the user can modify the existing bugs or can add a new bug.
7. Admin
All the users of this system are displayed in this module. One can add new user or can update the details of an existing user. Here the password provided by the user is encrypted before saving them to the database for proper security. This module saves the details like address, phone and email.
All the Values that we are using in this system are configurable. Values like status, priority and others can be added dynamically on the screen. Suppose if we limit these fields by hot coding them and if the user wants to add a new value again he has to come to the developer of the product. So In order to avoid this it is provided with the feature of adding values from the screen. And the user can change the status to In Active whenever he wants.
Log View
In order for the efficient Tracking of the system logs are maintained. As the logs will be in vast it will be a problem for user for checking the database. The Log View module can be searched based on the user and Records between a start date and end date.
8. Logout
In this once the user clicks on Log out First the session variable is killed and then the system is redirected to the login page.
9. Prepare Logs
At all the stages, whenever user performs an operation by clicking a button, automatically the Bug Tracking System logs the activity.
Requirement Specification
The minimum configuration to use this system is as follows:
Hardware Specification:
Processor : - Intel Celeron class processor with 233 MHz
RAM : - 32 MB
Hard Disk : - 1GB
Monitor : - Color monitor
Keyboard : - 101 keys
Mouse : - Any pointing device
Network : - Any network supporting TCP/IP
Software Specification:
Platform (both sides) : - Any platform
Software : - MS.NET, Oracle
The recommended configuration to use this system is as follows:
Hardware Specification:
Processor : - Intel Celeron class processor with 450 MHz and above
RAM : - 64 MB
Hard Disk : - 20GB
Monitor : - Color monitor supporting 800/600/16b resolution
Keyboard : - 110 keys
Mouse : - Three Button pointing device
Network : - Network supporting TCP/IP
Software Specification:
Platform (both sides) : -Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP/UNIX /Solaries
Software (Client side) : -MS Internet Explorer 4.0 or NetScape 2.0
Software (server side) : MS.NET

Bug tracking system - bliss28 - 10-04-2017

For Bug Tracking, Change management, Support and Help Desk

Introduction - Bug Tracking System (BTS)

Successful bug tracking has a direct correlation upon the success of software development projects. Your company s reputation relies on delivering usable software that is delivered on-time, on-budget and with high quality. Choosing an issue tracking system is a crucial decision for every organization. Within even one small project it is often necessary to track various types of issues, such as bugs, documentation changes, and support requests. Various issue types may have different sets of states and transition rules. For example, a software tester is supposed to verify bugs, while a proofreader should control the documentation quality. The system should ensure that the software tester does not get the task of proofreading a text by mistake. BTS, by RDBS, is bug-tracking software that facilitates customer requirements tracking, bug tracking and project management.

Introduction - How can BTS help your project?

Record bugs in a project.
Support concurrent access to bug reports by multiple users.
Support multiple projects.
Assign responsibilities, access and privileges to users for each project.
Present unique views for developers, testers and managers.
Estimate, assign and track the work required to resolve and test bugs.
Sort, print and generate reports on bugs by priority, type and other properties.
Track the time required for Task completion.
Determine release dates based on bug detection and resolution statistics.
Automatically maintain the history of each bug.

Introduction - Bug Tracking System (BTS)

BTS is a hierarchical issue tracking and bug tracking system, created specifically for software development companies. Effective change and issue tracking requires much more than simple bug tracking, it requires the management of all types of issues.
BTS is used to manage product development by focusing effort on the tasks required to efficiently bring the project to completion. Developers, testers and managers use it to record and track the progress of defects (bugs), problems and new features.

Features - (BTS)

BTS is normally used in a team environment that contains multiple users, multiple projects and a customized data collection and workflow process. Most BTS features are user configurable to match the specific needs of an organization or user. Follows will highlight the main features of BTS.

Complete Tracking Solution
Track data within the software more accurately.
Track bugs, feature requests, enhancements, tasks, user suggestions, customers, users, user groups, and test configurations or any other project-related, business, or technical issue you need to track and manage.
Identify your bugs and other development assignments in BTS.
Required fields ensure correct level of detail

Customizable Workflows
Customize issue fields to match your process and terminology; define your own Bug states, priority and severity.
Assign issues to users.
Customize field values to meet your company's needs

Ease of use
Structure, navigation, naming are all so simple, so consistent, and so sensible that most users can master the program in about an hour.
BTS is a compact, easy-to-learn Tracking and project management software that helps any business or work group define projects, assign tasks, streamline work flow, communicate among team members, assure accountability, track problems and keep records.
Easy reporting of your projects, problems, and tasks.
Easy to deploy, easy to setup, easy to administer

Create multiple projects
Track defects on a project-by-project basis
Multi-user access to project data
Per-project customizations
Defect/Issue History
Put quality control statistics at your fingertips.
All changes to projects, tasks, and problems are tracked in our audit history.
See specific statistics such as, who reported the most bugs, how many are still open, or how much time a user spent fixing bugs?
See defect history logs--who found, fixed, and verified it--all of the details are available.

Effective Communication Tool
Streamline your process with automatic defect assignments based on defect state and content.
Automatically notify users of bug assignments, new bugs, changes, etc. using internal notification system.
Quickly identify new bugs, changed bugs, and your assigned bugs using visual defect indicators.
Link engineers, testers, managers, and tech writers together so no one falls out of the loop.
Automatically notify team members when defects are assigned to them.
BTS assures that all project members are in a communication loop.
With advanced query features, and reports, everyone on the team (developers, technical writers, testers, users, and project managers) are aware of outstanding problems and tasks that are assigned to them and require attention.

Time Saving Features
Defer numbering defects until you review them.
Define the starting defect number in a project file.
Quickly go directly to a bug by its bug number.
Built-in Reporting
Quickly print or preview reports.
Customizable detail, list, distribution, and trend reports.
Generate and view reports on screen.
Save reports to text files.
Use predefined reports using Crystal Reports.
Export reports to a variety of formats (including Excel, Word, Rich Text Format, and PDF)

Supports the following report formats:
Detail - Prints everything about an item, which can be a defect, user, user group, etc. You select which item BTS reports on.
Distribution - Prints the distribution of defects by user or test configuration. For example, show the defects assigned to each user by priority.
Trend - Prints defect actions over time. For example, show how many defects have been fixed by week.
List - Prints summary information about an item--you select the fields to include. See only the information important to you.
Define users and user groups
Enable and disable features
Restrict access to specific views
Password security limits access to your database.
Command-level security limits, which commands a group of users can execute.
Defect-level security limits, which defects are visible to each group of users.
Server logging records unusual activity as well as critical and non-critical system issues.

Fore more

Bug tracking system - pradeep kumar - 10-04-2017


Bug Tracking System is the system which enable to detect the bugs. It not merely detects the bugs but provides the complete information regarding bugs detected.
Bug Tracking System ensures the user of it who needs to know about a provide information regarding the identified bug. Using this no bug will be unfixed in the developed application.
The developer develops the project as per customer requirements. In the testing phase the tester will identify the bugs. Whenever the tester encounter n number of bugs he adds the bug id and information in the database.
The tester reports to both project manager and developer. The bug details in the database table are accessible to both project manager and developer.

When a customer puts request or orders for a product to be developed. The project manager is responsible for adding users to Bus Tracking System and assigning projects to the users.
The project manager assigns projects to the developers. The developer develops the projects as per customer requirements. The project manager itself assigns the developed applications to the Testers for testing. The tester tests the application and identify the bugs in the application.
When the tester encounter n no. of bugs, he generates a unique id number for each individual bug. The bug information along with its id are mailed to the project manager and developer. This is Bug Report. These are stored in the database. This is useful for further reference.
Bug information includes the bug id, bug name, bug priority, project name, bug location, bug type.
This whole process continues until all the bugs are got fixed in the application.
The bug report is mailed to the project manager and the developer as soon as the bug is identified. This makes that no error will go unfixed because of poor communication. It makes ensure that anyone who needs to know about a bug can learn of it soon after it is reported.
Bug Tracking System plays an vital role in the testing phase. But it supports assigning projects for the developer, tester by the project manager. The Bug Tracking System maintains the different users separately i.e., it provides separate environments for project manager, developer and tester.
Existing System:
In the existing system, the project manager assigns the projects to the developers. The developers develops the projects as per customer requirements. The project manager itself assign the developed applications to the tester for testing. In the testing phase, when the tester encounters no. of bugs then he reports to the project manager and developer about the bug information.
Bottlenecks of the Existing System:
The tester report which is called Bug Report is in the form of physical document. If the document is damaged then the total information about the bug will be lost.
The bug information is not stored in the database for future reference.
Proposed System:
The purpose of the Bug Tracking System is to test the application for the bugs and report it to the project manager and developer. The main intention behind the Bug Tracking System is that to track bugs and report them. Store the bug information with a unique id in the database for future reference. So, this makes the job of handling the bugs easy.

Objectives of the Bug Tracking System:
The main objectives of the Bug Tracking System are:
Identifying the bugs in the developed application.
No bug will be unfixed in the developed application.
Not merely identifying the bugs but also providing the bug information.
As soon as the bugs are identified. They are reported to the project manager and developer.
To ensure that who needs to know about the bug can learn soon after it is reported.

Bug tracking system - thakur37 - 10-04-2017

Bug tracking system

The project entitles oeBug Tracking Tool , Evaluating a bug tracking system requires that you understand how specific features, such as configurable workflow and customizable fields, relate to your requirements and your current bug tracking process. Using our bug tracking software will enable you to manage your project's bug (s) and defect (s) more efficiently. This will result in better response time to your users and avoid task redundancy. Our software will help your development and testing team by increasing their control over system development. Imagine having all of your data in the same place, being able to access it from anywhere in the world. You will know at a glance how many issues are in your account, how many are in progress, how many are closed. You will have a better overview of your project's development status. Furthermore, our tool has been designed with simplicity and speed in mind and you always get Unlimited Users and Unlimited Projects. We pride ourselves in providing fast and courteous support to all of our customers, your questions or comments will be responded to quickly, usually within minutes. MODULES that comes under this project is BUGS EMPLOYEES PRIORITIES PROJECTS STATUSES

Bug tracking system - fayizonline - 10-04-2017


The project entitled "Bug tracking system" is an online bug tracking tool initiated with the objective to setup a user-friendly Online bug tracking system. It can be used both for bug tracking and for project management. In this system the project manager can have full details of the work assigned to each team member. Moreover when a new work comes he can assign the work to different persons by having a view at the programmer with minimum work. This software assists to track the work flow of the work given to each team member by a project leader.

This software assists the project managers , the team members and equally the top officials of a software company to know how the work is progressing. Project usually comes to the company in the form of bugs. Usually, when certain enhancements of a product is being done i.e. when. certain version updates a product is being done, work is assigned to different programmers in the form of Bugs.

This software is mainly focused on the work coming in the form of Bugs. The project manager can fully understand what the status of each bug is ;whether it is fixed, assigned, or wontfix.

Bug tracking system - nehaa - 10-04-2017

The proposed system organizes the data effectively. The Bug Tracking for Improving Software Quality and Reliability is a web based application that can be accessed throughout the organization. This system can be used for logging Bugs against an application/module, assigning Bugs to individuals and tracking the Bugs to resolution. This system can be used as an application for the any software based (IT) company to reduce the Bugs in software s quality and reliability. User logging should be able to upload the information of the user.

User Maintenance module:
This module is for Creating, Granting & Revoking access and deleting users from application.
Component Maintenance module:
This module is used for Creating a component (application being developed / enhanced), Granting & Revoking access on components to Users and Marking a component as Active or Closed .

Bug tracking system - mikun - 10-04-2017

to get information about the topic "bug tracking system" full report ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow

Bug tracking system - deepikabr - 10-04-2017

to get information about the topic "bug tracking system" full report ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow

Bug tracking system - apala - 10-04-2017

to get information about the topic "bug tracking system" full report ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow

Bug tracking system - veena - 10-04-2017

please go through the following threads for more details on 'bug tracking system'.