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redtacton - sibi - 10-04-2017

Download the Seminar Report for Red Tacton

We may have imagined the future as a place crawling with antennas and emitters, due to the huge growth of wireless communications and it gives an idea of using our body as a data transmission. Thus NTT labs, the Japanese telecom group had developed a revolutionary technology called Red Tacton .
Red Tacton gives a whole new meaning to the term networking . It is a new Human Area Networking technology which uses the surface of the human body, as a safe and high speed data transmission path. Red Tacton is a new technology that is completely different from wireless and Bluetooth or Infrared, as it does not rely on electromagnetic or a light wave to transmit data, also users can narrowly limit signal recipients rather than broadcasting to all devices within given range . It makes use of weak electric fields on the surface of the body. Here, the human body acts as a transmission medium supporting IEE 802.3 half-duplex communication at 10Mbit/s.
Focusing on the natural feeling of life, inevitability and sense of security conveyed by touching, Red Tacton (Red-Warmth, T-Touch, and Acton-Action) lets people transfer data to each other by means of handshake or a slap on the back and relief by touching in daily life.
A transmission path is formed at the moment, when a part of the human body is get contact with a Red Tacton transceiver. On separating the ends, the contact between the receiver and body, ends the communication. The Red Tacton chips, which will be embedded in various devices, contain a transmitter and receiver build to send and accept data stored in a digital format. The chips can take any type of file such as mp3 music file or mail and convert it in to the digital format (in the form of digitals pulses) that can be passed and read through a human being. The chip in receiver decodes these tiny pulses and converts the file back into its original form. The main component of the transceiver is an electric-field sensor implemented with an electro optic crystal and laser light.
Through Red Tacton our body can be used for linking our mobile phone or MP3 player to a cordless headphone, digital camera to a PC or printer, and all the accessories we carry around. This network linking is possible using any body surfaces, such as the hands, fingers, arms, feet, face, legs,etc . Red Tacton works even through shoes and clothing. Using Red Tacton enable devices, music from our digital audio player in our pocket would pass through our clothing and suits over our body to headphones in our ears. Instead of fiddling around with the cable to connect your digital camera to your computer you could transfer pictures just by touching the PC while the camera is around your neck and since data can pass from one body to another you could also exchange electronics business cards by shaking hands, trade music files by dancing cheek to cheek or swap phone numbers just by kissing.

Download the Seminar Report for Red Tacton

redtacton - mrfarman - 10-04-2017


RedTacton is a new innovative Human Area Networking
technology that turns the surface of the human body as a safe, high
speed network transmission path.
RedTacton takes a different technical approach. Instead of relying
on electromagnetic waves or light waves to carry data, RedTacton
uses weak electric fields on the surface of the body as a
transmission medium.


Human society is entering an era of omnipresent computing, when networks
are seamlessly interconnected and information is always accessible at our fingertips.
The practical implementation of omnipresent services requires three levels of
Wide Area Networks (WAN), typically via the Internet, to remotely connect
all types of severs and terminals;
Local Area Networks (LAN), typically via Ethernet or WiFi connectivity
among all the information and communication appliances in offices and
homes; and
Human Area Networks (HAN) for connectivity to personal information, media
and communication appliances within the much smaller sphere of ordinary
daily activities-- the last one meter.

In the past, Bluetooth, infrared communications (IrDA), radio frequency ID
systems (RFID), and other technologies have been proposed to solve the "last
meter" connectivity problem. However, they each have various fundamental
technical limitations that constrain their usage, such as the precipitous fall-off in
transmission speed in multi-user environments producing network congestion.
The concept of intra-body communication was first proposed by IBM in 1996.
This communication mechanism was later evaluated and reported by several
research groups around the world.

RedTacton is a new innovative Human Area Networking technology that
turns the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network
transmission path.
RedTacton takes a different technical approach. Instead of relying on
electromagnetic waves or light waves to carry data, RedTacton uses weak
electric fields on the surface of the body as a transmission medium.
Using RedTacton, communication starts when terminals carried by the
user or embedded in devices are linked in various combinations according
to the user's natural, physical movements.
Communication is possible using any body surfaces, such as the hands,
fingers, arms, feet, face, legs or toes. RedTacton works through shoes and
clothing as well.

redtacton - mks_bob - 10-04-2017



RedTacton is a new Human Area Networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path. The name Tacton has originated, as the technology involves touch and action. The word red indicates warm and cordial communications.

RedTacton takes a different technical approach. Instead of relying on electromagnetic waves or light waves to carry data, RedTacton uses weak electric fields on the surface of the body as a transmission medium. A RedTacton transmitter couples with extremely weak electric fields on the surface of the body. The weak electric fields pass through the body to a RedTacton receiver, where the weak electric field affects the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal. The extent to which the optical properties are changed is detected by laser light which is then converted to an electrical signal by a detector circuit.

Using a new super-sensitive photonic electric field sensor, RedTacton can achieve duplex communication over the human body at a maximum speed of 10 Mbps.
1. The RedTacton transmitter induces a weak electric field on the surface of the body.
2. The RedTacton receiver senses changes in the weak electric field on the surface of the body caused by the transmitter.
3. RedTacton relies upon the principle that the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal can vary according to the changes of a weak electric field.
4. RedTacton detects changes in the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal using a laser and converts the result to an electrical signal in a optical receiver circuit.

5) Security applications:
RedTacton could be installed on doors, cabinets and other locations calling for secure access, such that each secure access could be initiated and authenticated with a simple touch. At the same time, all the transaction details and relevant user attributes (personal identity, security clearance, etc.) could be logged by the security system.

redtacton - vish_uday - 10-04-2017

you can refer these pages to get the details on RedTacton

redtacton - Pratheek - 10-04-2017

you can refer these pages to get the details on RedTacton

redtacton - god - 10-04-2017

to get information about the topic redtacton documentation full report ,ppt and related topic please refer page link bellow

redtacton - jango_saroj - 10-04-2017

I am Asik. I am doing final year ECE in National College of engineering(Maruthakulam). For my final year project I am planning to try doing redtacton. I did go through the full working of it. I need to know whether I can proceed doing things i.e will I get all the required components here in India itself.If so where I can buy them. I have also attatched the paper. My emeil id is ([email protected]). Do mail me the details.

redtacton - samanvai - 10-04-2017

If you need the report,ppt and proj. ckt diagram.Then you send me a request regarding exactly what you want.You will receive it on your email. It is free. but i cant post it publicly as hard work and study was done on it. And if u want are intrested in this proj it is very easy and u can make it u'r self at just cost of 2000 Rs. provided u should have a etrx. equipment lab having bpsk and tdm comm. kit.

redtacton - anikendu - 10-04-2017

to get information about the topic"redtacton technology" full report ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow

redtacton - ajinkya_zbylut - 10-04-2017

please visit the following links to get more on redtacton.
