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Intelligent Antenna Positioning System - Printable Version

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Intelligent Antenna Positioning System - susmita meher - 08-16-2017

Intelligent Antenna Positioning System


Initial Goals

Take value of longitude & latitude with satellite position to Determine the

Display current position on a computer

Move antenna in any desired direction manually

Control antenna movement with computer

Control LNB polarization/skew

Basic Idea

We designed a control system for automatically controlling the rotation of satellite receiving dish antenna and as well as the system should have the capability of providing the feedback in the form of dish s updated position information to the control system for further instructions.

The aim of the project is to design an automatic satellite antenna positioning system which is capable of pointing towards the required geo-stationary satellite when the command is given to the system through PC.


A satellite in a geo-stationary orbit appears to be stationary with respect to a point on the earth. Therefore, if an earth station is within the coverage of the satellite, it can communicate with the satellite by simply pointing its antenna towards it.
Such a positioning of earth station antenna can be accomplished using the azimuth angle and the elevation angle.