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how to stop digital electric meter with tv remote - prakashkrishnanhere - 10-04-2017

Berkeley Electric Cooperative is investing in new, digital TWACS (two-way automated communication system) meters to improve the efficiency and reliability of our electric system through Automated Meter Reading (AMR). Many members have asked questions about these new meters and how they work. Here are the most common questions we have received -- and answers:
Will I lose electrical service during the installation?
Yes, for a few minutes. You will need to reset electronic clocks and other devices.
How does my new automated meter work?
With these new meters, Berkeley Electric can read the meter remotely from the office. Information from the meter is securely transmitted back to the Cooperative through the power lines. Transmitting this information electronically means that a meter reader no longer comes to your house in person.
Why are we changing to the automated meters?
The meter upgrade provides Berkeley Electric Cooperative members with numerous benefits:
Saves money by eliminating the labor and transportation costs of in-person meter reading
Improves billing accuracy, eliminating misreads or inaccurate readings
Identifies the location of outages more quickly, meaning a faster response time
Helps our members troubleshoot high-bill and service quality issues by providing information about power consumption, outage and blink count history and voltage information
Improves electric service reliability and power quality fewer outages, blinks and surges
Helps secure the overall safety of the cooperative employee team
How much is this going to cost?
There will be no additional costs to members to install the new system. There is no rate increase anticipated in association with this project. Following the installation, the next bill that members receive will have two readings: one for the old meter and one for the new meter. After this initial bill, there will only be one reading for the new meter.
Who will be changing out the meters?
Berkeley Electric Cooperative employees and contractors from Bellwether.
Do members have a choice in getting a new meter?
This is not a program. This is a system wide initiative to improve service and reduce costs. New meters will be installed on all accounts. The cooperative will change 100 percent of existing residential and commercial meters.
At this time, if members have a question about their energy usage, the cooperative must send operation personnel to the member/owner s property to re-read the meter. With the new system, a Berkeley Electric Cooperative member service representative can access the meter information at the member's request and obtain the reading almost instantaneously.
Other features of the new system will provide more data that will enable us to provide you with power more efficiently. More importantly, the new meters will make detailed usage information available directly to our members whenever they want it so they can make decisions on the best way to use electricity efficiently.
What s the difference between the new meters and the old meters?
It is important to note that the new meter records exactly the same type of information as the existing meter, which is simply the total amount of electricity used by members. The new meters will continue to display the meter reading, but it will be in a digital LED format. The biggest difference is that the new meters will be able to securely transmit securely this data back to the cooperative over the power lines without the need for a meter reader to come to your house. The meters communication stops at the meter base; it does not go inside the house.
Are there any potential health impacts from a meter that can send and receive data?
No. Berkeley Electric Cooperative values its members, their families and its employees and would not deploy a technology that it did not feel was safe.
Additionally, research conducted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the Utilities Telecom Council and others has revealed no health impacts from digital meters. The TWACS meters do not rely on radio frequencies (RF) to communicate from your house. Contrary to some misconceptions, while the new meters do emit an electromagnetic field (EMF) as all electronic devices do the levels are negligible (typically 0.3 milligauss) at a distance of one foot away from the device. Beyond this distance the EMF levels are almost undetectable.
Will the Cooperative be able to monitor what appliances I am using inside my home?
No. The data collection stops at the meter itself and does not go inside the house. The Cooperative only records the total amount of electricity used by the household. There is no way for the Cooperative, or anyone else, to know how you are using the electricity inside your home.
Will the Cooperative be continually monitoring my usage around the clock?
No. Berkeley Electric serves over 85,000 meters in the Lowcountry which would make it impractical, if not impossible, to continually monitor the usage of all its members. The only time your usage data will be looked at is at your request or when the meter reports that there may be a problem at your location. However, the usage data will be continually available to the member as a tool to improve energy efficiency.
What information does the new meter record?
The new meter records an electronic kWh reading, the date and time of energy usage, the overall peak demand of the electric account and the number of times the meter has experienced a loss of power for any reason. The meter will record the date and time of light blinks and the length of the power outage. The meter does not record any information about how the power is used inside your home.
Will I keep the same rate after the conversion?
Yes, members will continue to stay on the same rate class as they have in the past. There will be no increased cost to the member.
What if my bill reports more kWh usage than normal or I think my meter is not working correctly?
Contact your nearest Berkeley Electric Cooperative office right away to discuss your billing concerns. Electronic meters are more accurate than analog or mechanical meters. The new meters installed have been tested and meet American National Standards Institute (ANSI) regulations. The new meters allow for accurate readings and a consistent billing period.
Will meter readers ever need to come to read the meter manually again once the new meter is in place?
Probably not. Meter readers will no longer regularly need to spend valuable time traveling to every meter for a monthly read. All meter reads will be digitally transmitted back to the Cooperative headquarters.
Once Cooperative employees no longer need to read the meter, can obstacles be constructed that may make the meter inaccessible?
No. Reasonable access to equipment still must be maintained. This allows for Cooperative personnel to either read or maintain the meter if necessary.
What day of the month will the meters be read?
All of the Berkeley Electric Cooperative s new meters will have information collected from them daily. However, for billing purposes, the member will continue to be billed on monthly schedules.
How will the Cooperative read the meters?
Berkeley Electric s AMR system communicates via the Cooperative s radio systems out to the electrical substations. From there, the signal is passed to the meter over the Cooperative s power lines. The meter responds and information is transferred along the same path back to the computer server. This network is secure. The AMR module in the meter does NOT transmit RF (radio frequency) signals.
Will someone other than Berkeley Electric Cooperative be able to read the new meter?
The new meters will communicate with the Cooperative over a secure radio network and through the power lines themselves. Meter manufacturers incorporated security features and encryption technology into their meters, as recommended by national security experts. Our goal is to upgrade our electric distribution system to make it safer, more secure, and more reliable. Your new digital meter is part of this effort. Once your new digital meter is installed, your Cooperative will be able to tell if someone tampers with your meter because the meter will report any tampering attempts to the Cooperative.
Will the Cooperative continue to do service inspections?
Routine inspections of all meters and services will continue in order to look for safety hazards, theft or other problems.
How secure will the new meters be?
The digital meter display is visible for members to be able to check their consumption. All other information and data stored in the meter is secure and the meter is sealed.
Can the Cooperative disconnect electric service using the new meters?
Some meters will have remote disconnect capabilities depending on a member s account status or participation in programs such as Pre-Paid Metering.
Will the new meter notify Berkeley Electric Cooperative when the power goes out?
The Cooperative s Outage Management System will be able to ping meters to more efficiently and accurately verify outage situations.
How will I know if my meter has been changed?
The Berkeley Electric Cooperative employee or contractor will leave a door hanger on your front door to let you know they have changed the meter. We will work with businesses to minimize any inconvenience. You do not have to be present during the meter change.

how to stop digital electric meter with tv remote - nabeel63 - 10-04-2017

A smart meter is an electronic device that records consumption of electric energy in intervals of an hour or less and communicates that information at least daily back to the utility for monitoring and billing. Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system. Unlike home energy monitors, smart meters can gather data for remote reporting. Such an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) differs from traditional automatic meter reading (AMR) in that it enables two-way communications with the meter.The term Smart Meter often refers to an electricity meter, but it also may mean a device measuring natural gas or water consumption.

Similar meters, usually referred to as interval or time-of-use meters, have existed for years, but "Smart Meters" usually involve real-time or near real-time sensors, power outage notification, and power quality monitoring. These additional features are more than simple automated meter reading (AMR). They are similar in many respects to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meters. Interval and time-of-use meters historically have been installed to measure commercial and industrial customers, but may not have automatic reading.

Research by Which?, the UK consumer group, showed that as many as one in three confuse smart meters with energy monitors, also known as in-home display monitors.[8] The roll-out of smart meters is one strategy for energy savings. While energy suppliers in the UK could save around 300 million a year from their introduction, consumer benefits will depend on people actively changing their energy use. For example, time of use tariffs offering lower rates at off-peak times, and selling electricity back to the grid with net metering, may also benefit consumers.

how to stop digital electric meter with tv remote - Surekha.P - 10-04-2017

In a theft case with a difference, a power consumer was caught trying to stop the counting process in his electric meter with the help of a special remote.
The accused had devised a method that was difficult to detect. A team of engineers with the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd (MSEDCL) worked on the case for several days to understand the modus operandi of the consumer, Vishwas Kadam.
The power distribution wing registered an FIR against Kadam, the owner of Vishwas Enterprises in Bhandup, with the Kalyan police under the Electricity Act of 2003. It also recovered a fine of Rs 2.71 lakh.
The remote used by Kadam acts in such a manner that when pressed, it turns off the meter's counting display. "This is the first such theft detected in Mumbai. It was found that the consumer had saved 487 hours of counting, based on which the fine has been levied," said an official.
The meter, which showed 6,000 units of consumption in January, was mysteriously found using 3,000 units in September. This raised the suspicion of the engineers, who sent the meter to a private company to detect the circuit and meter count.
"The company found that the circuit in the meter's counting process was being stopped for certain hours of the day. As the meter is of time-of-day type, it registered the on and off timings. This gave us evidence against the accused," said the official.
Later, a team of engineers trapped the consumer. One of the engineers found the display switched off when he reached the company premises. "But as soon as the consumer came in, the meter display was back. The engineers caught Kadam and registered a case against him," said an official.

how to stop digital electric meter with tv remote - maheswarofmaheswaran - 10-04-2017

PUNE: The vigilance, security and enforcement wing of the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) has busted a racket of tampering with electricity meters, and arrested one person for tampering with electricity meters by using a remote control' device.

Shivaji Indalkar, deputy director, Pune circle (vigilance, security and enforcement), said: "Madhukar Ajay Chaudhari (34), a resident of Mishra chawl, Tanajinagar, Chinchwad, was arrested on August 9 from his resident in connection to his involvement in tampering electricity meters. It was witnessed that Chaudhari developed a technique by which a normal electricity meter could be tampered with to slow down its reading by at least 50 per cent."

He added: "Following a tip-off, a raid was conducted at Chaudhari's residence, with the help of the city police on August 9. As many as 31 remote controls, along with electricity meters, printed circuit boards, crystals and other electronic gadgets were confiscated. A few documents and a dairy have also been confiscated. It was also found that an electricity meter at his residence was tampered with as well."

Indalkar said Chaudhari used to manufacture and sell the remotes. "Around 12 meters have been found to be tampered with by using the remote controls' manufactured by Chaudhari. The raids were conducted by 15 flying squads in the last couple days across the city. Cases have been registered under the Electricity Act, 2003 in all the 12 cases. The remotes have been confiscated. According to the predictions, the Chaudhari may have sold around 300 such remotes in the city," he said.

how to stop digital electric meter with tv remote - padayappa - 10-04-2017

In consumer electronics, a remote control is a component of an electronic device such as a television set, DVD player, or other home appliance, used to operate the device wirelessly from a short distance. Remote control is a convenience feature[dubious discuss] for the consumer, and can allow operation of devices that are out of convenient reach for direct operation of controls.

Commonly, remote controls are Consumer IR devices which sends digitally-coded pulses of infrared radiation to control functions such as power, volume, tuning, temperature set point, fan speed, or other features. Remote controls for these devices are usually small wireless handheld objects with an array of buttons for adjusting various settings such as television channel, track number, and volume. For many devices, the remote control contains all the function controls while the controlled device itself has only a handful of essential primary controls.

Earlier remote controls in 1973 used ultrasonic tones. The remote control code, and thus the required remote control device, is usually specific to a product line, but there are universal remotes, which emulate the remote control made for most major brand devices.

Remote control has continually evolved and advanced over recent years to include Bluetooth connectivity, motion sensor-enabled capabilities and voice control.

how to stop digital electric meter with tv remote - shiraj.146 - 10-04-2017

Stop Digital Electric Meter With Tv Remote

This is to inform you all that this trick is only for educational purpose and we do not take any responsibility of the happening by performing this trick. This trick is to show the loop hole only and not for any illegal purpose.


Powerful Magnet.

4 Plastic Glass.


You can use the Magnet mention below as it works best in my case.

The main thing in this trick is to use correct magnet as i mention above. It will cost you 499.00 Rs but works like a charm. It has 20 pcs and you can put 5 pcs in each glass.


You can take all four glasses and put them on four corners of meter box.

You can pour water in glass till three pcs sinks in water.

See The Changes

Now Power On any of the the High Voltage Electrical Equipment Like Water Pump, Water Heater or something else you have.

Notice the speed of Meter. Now pick up any one glass. And you will amaze to see the speed of Your Digital Electric Meter.

Thats It . Please note: This is not for stealing electricity or doing illegal purpose. This is only for educational purpose. Do it at your own risk.

how to stop digital electric meter with tv remote - ka_habeeb - 10-04-2017

This is to inform you all that this trick is only for educational purpose and we do not take any responsibility of the happening by performing this trick. This trick is to show the loop hole only and not for any illegal purpose.


Powerful Magnet.

4 Plastic Glass.


You can use the Magnet mention below as it works best in my case.

The main thing in this trick is to use correct magnet as i mention above. It will cost you 499.00 Rs but works like a charm. It has 20 pcs and you can put 5 pcs in each glass.


You can take all four glasses and put them on four corners of meter box.

You can pour water in glass till three pcs sinks in water.

See The Changes

Now Power On any of the the High Voltage Electrical Equipment Like Water Pump, Water Heater or something else you have.

Notice the speed of Meter. Now pick up any one glass. And you will amaze to see the speed of Your Digital Electric Meter.

Thats It . Please note: This is not for stealing electricity or doing illegal purpose. This is only for educational purpose. Do it at your own risk.

how to stop digital electric meter with tv remote - ramasi06 - 10-04-2017

This is to inform you all that this trick is only for educational purpose and we do not take any responsibility of the happening by performing this trick. This trick is to show the loop hole only and not for any illegal purpose.


Powerful Magnet.

4 Plastic Glass.


The main thing in this trick is to use correct magnet as i mention above. It will cost you 499.00 Rs but works like a charm. It has 20 pcs and you can put 5 pcs in each glass.


You can take all four glasses and put them on four corners of meter box.

You can pour water in glass till three pcs sinks in water.

See The Changes

Now Power On any of the the High Voltage Electrical Equipment Like Water Pump, Water Heater or something else you have.

Notice the speed of Meter. Now pick up any one glass. And you will amaze to see the speed of Your Digital Electric Meter.

Thats It . Please note: This is not for stealing electricity or doing illegal purpose. This is only for educational purpose. Do it at your own risk.

how to stop digital electric meter with tv remote - anu nair - 10-04-2017

How to back reading in digital meter in india . . How to back reading in digital meter in india .


Answers for this question:
No it is not possible to control electric meter with the help of tv remote because it is design to control tv circuit only for controling elctric meter we design anther circuit.


Hi. Thank you for asking a question. I dont think you can trace the theft who stole your electricity. Better consult this to your electric company provider ask for a solution.


I do not think it is legally possible, i would suggest you try to lessen your power consumption by switching off unnecessary appliances.


High frequency jammer..but I m still looking for that kind of device..


Do you really want to do this? Read I m sure you give up the idea.

Vlad Bn

It is illegal and if caught you may end up with a criminal record.

how to stop digital electric meter with tv remote - niru - 10-04-2017

An electricity meter, electric meter, electrical meter, or energy meter is a device that measures the amount of electric energy consumed by a residence, a business, or an electrically powered device.

Electric utilities use electric meters installed at customers' premises to measure electric energy delivered to their customers for billing purposes. They are typically calibrated in billing units, the most common one being the kilowatt hour [kWh]. They are usually read once each billing period.

When energy savings during certain periods are desired, some meters may measure demand, the maximum use of power in some interval. "Time of day" metering allows electric rates to be changed during a day, to record usage during peak high-cost periods and off-peak, lower-cost, periods. Also, in some areas meters have relays for demand response load shedding during peak load periods.