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Stenography - Pushpendra - 10-04-2017

Steganography is the art and science of hiding communication; a steganographic system Thus embeds hidden content in unremarkable cover media so as not to arouse an eaver droppers suspicion In the past, people used hidden tattoos or invisible ink to convey steganographic content oday, computer and network technologies provide easy to-use communication channels for steganography. Essentially, the information-hiding process in a steganographic system starts by identifying a cover medium s redundant bits (those that can be modified without destroying that medium s integrity).l the embedding process creates a stego medium by replacing these redundant bits with data s on the hidden message. Modem steganograpl1y s goal is to develop its mere presence undetectable, but steganographic systems- because of their invasive nature-leave behind detectable traces in the over medium Even if secret on tents not revealed existe none of its modifying the cove' medium changes its statistical properties, so eavesdroppers can detect the distonions in the resulting stego medium s statistical properties.