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Tired of traditional recruitment practices - Printable Version

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Tired of traditional recruitment practices - zdashing - 10-04-2017

Tired of traditional recruitment practices

Recruitment through Blogs

An Innovative practice paving its way in to the recruitment world..

How Blogs are changing the Recruiting Landscape

A Crazy, six lines being a part of an individual s resume and it says nothing about the individual s work experience at all !!
That s exactly what this is.

Are you confused ?

So how does this web journal helps..?

If one read the blog attentively, it conveys more work abilities about the blogger implicitly.
Corporate HR is surfing blogs to unearth candidates, expanding their talent pool and gaining insights that they can t get from resumes and interviews.

In what way a blog can help

If the candidate has written a blog, it helps to know the mental make-up of the person. A blog can be an effective tool to gauge into someone s attitude quite easily.
A HR person can use a blog to understand the likes and dislikes of the candidate, as it allows them to structure the right environment for the candidate.
E.g.: If the candidate is an introvert, they would never be happy with a job profile where they are required to meet strangers everyday.

Have you given this view a thought?

There are some issues that are rarely addressed during an interview,
like passion of the candidate about his/her present job profile
how innovative the candidate is
how the candidate deals with criticism
how the candidate convinces others etc.

The HR / Recruiter will rarely get an insight in his/her short interview with the candidate, but blogging on the other hand could provide useful insights on this.

In Indian scenario

This practice is still in its initial stages, but this is to emerge as a metric based recruiting tool very soon.
The implementation of this trend in India would take a few more years.
This is because the overall awareness on the usage of such tool has not caught the attention of the prospective candidate, wherein he/she maintains an individual blog that highlights his/her career aspirations and thereby allowing the recruiter to gain clear visibility on the candidate s job interest.