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Design of NANOROBOT in Human Body - Printable Version

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Design of NANOROBOT in Human Body - chinna_rao - 10-04-2017


Imagine there s no need to go to the doctor, not even to the pharmaceutical shop. No more health problems now, not even an opportunistic cold. This dream will soon come true because of a wizard by the new technology called nanotechnology & the miracle is NANOROBOT.
This paper depicts on case study of NANOROBOTS IN HUMAN BODY which comes from NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY, the science which deals with production of new materials and devices from precise placement used in biology.
The Nanorobots hold promise for a strong presence in medicine to come. Nanorobots lie in the heart of many proposed solutions of nanomedicine, which includes serving as antibodies in weak immune systems, curing diseases, unresponsive to conventional methods, repairing damaged tissue, unblocking arteries affected by plaque, construction of replacement body organs and more.
It proves essential when damage to the human body is highly selective, subtle or time critical. Their characteristics provide faster medical treatment, versatility, reliability, sensitive response threshold, minimum side effects, non-toxic and verification of progress and precision.
Nanorobots will patrol in body through blood vessels killing the pathogens & remove or repair the damaged cells thereby improving your immunity and life expectancy too.

The Nanotechnology is the science which deals with the production of new materials and devices from the precise placement. It causes direct manipulation of atoms or molecules and the development of products or substances that take advantage of and use the novel properties of materials less than few nm in size. The nanotechnology working in the field of biotechnology is termed as Nano-Biotechnology.

B. Where it can be used?
Scientists are more interested to make use of nanotechnology in the field of medicine. This may be because, the basic unit of life i.e. DNA and other proteins are also of nanosize. One of the most challenging things on this line for researchers is to develop a nano object which will enter the body, patrol through the body, kill the pathogens, remove or repair the damaged cells and keep internal environment as required. This object is nothing but Nanorobot .
Other fields of interest for nanotechnology is
o Biochips
o Biofluidic devices
o Nanomachines
o Intelligent drug delivery system
o other nano bio devices & many more ..

To know more about nanorobotics ,please follow the link: