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The objective of the course on Data Communications and Networking is to provide a foundation to
the course on Computer Networks. The coverage includes concepts related to signals, data
communications, shared assess of media /links, error detection and correction. The course concludes
with reference to layered architecture of computer networks and a detailed exposure to data link
control, medium access control and a few technologies related to connectivity devices.
Part - A
1. Introduction 4 Hours
Introduction to Data Communications, components, data representation, data flow, Essential
elements of network architecture, Message switching, circuit switching and packet switching,
Introduction to Networks, topologies, categories, Internet.
2. Data and Signals 6 Hours
Analog and digital, Periodic analog signal, Digital signals, Transmission impairments, Data rate
limits, Performance.
3. Analog Transmission 2 Hours
Digital - to - Analog conversion, Analog - to - Analog conversion.
4. Digital Transmission 6 Hours
Digital - to -digital conversion, Analog - to - digital conversion, Transmission modes.
5. Multiplexing 3 Hours
FDM, WDM, Synchronous TDM, Statistical TDM.
6. Transmission Media 3 Hours
Guided media, Unguided media wireless.
Part - B
7. Error Detection and Correction 4 Hours
Introduction, Block coding, Cyclic codes, Checksum.
8. Network Models and Layered Architecture 3 Hours
Layered tasks, The OSI model, Layers in the OSI model, TCP / IP protocol suite, Addressing.
9. Data Link Control 8 Hours
Framing, Flow and Error control, Protocols, Noiseless channels, Noisy channels, HDLC, Point-topoint
Protocol - framing, transition phases.
10. Medium Access Control 4 Hours
Random access - CSMA, CSMA / CD, CSMA / CA, Controlled access - reservation, polling,
token passing, Channelization - FDMA, TDMA, CDMA.
Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 6
11. Local Area Networks & DSL Technology 5 Hours
Connecting devices, Backbone networks, Virtual LANs, Telephone network, Dial-up modems,
DSL technology.
1. Behrouz A Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, Tata McGraw-Hill, Fourth Edition.
2. Alberto Leon-Garcia and Indra Widjaja, Communication Networks, Tata McGraw-Hill, Second
3. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Pearson Education, Seventh Edition.
4. Wayne Tomasi, Introduction to Data Communications & Networking, Pearson Education, 2007.
Scheme of Semester End Evaluation
Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions
from Part A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part B.
A clear understanding of the basic features of peer-to-peer network s and important concepts are
achieved. Thus enabling the student to persue a cause on computer networks.