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Comparison of DAMA MAC Schemes over Satellite Networks - Printable Version

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Comparison of DAMA MAC Schemes over Satellite Networks - harish - 10-04-2017

Presented By:
Kalyan Rao D


Satellite networks provides wide coverage of geographic area and high bandwidth. As satellite capacity is often limiting resource which must be used efficiently. Internet traffic is highly bursty in nature and Demand Assignment Multiple Access (DAMA) techniques are suitable provide bandwidth to match instantaneous requirements and provide significant improvements in the delay/utilization performance of Geo-stationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellite channels supporting a finite number of users with bursty data traffic. So, the performance of various DAMA MAC schemes is important. In this thesis, we investigate the performance of CFDAMA and BTDAMA protocols on satellite networks and proposes an extention to BTDAMA, User Prioritized-BTDAMA (BTDAMA-UP) which implements Quality of Service (QoS) by user prioritization so that different group of users will get different level of service.

Read full report sri/students/kalyan-thesis.pdf