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New Way To Make Electricity - be.divya - 10-04-2017

New Way To Make Electricity
Reshma Ittiachan & Reshma A R
S6 Department Of Electrical And Electronics
Mohandas College Of Engineering And Technology, Thiruvananthapuram


A new area of energy research, which is producing electrical energy from carbon Nano tubes, is
emerged recently by Massachusetts institute of technology. The phenomenon, described as thermo power waves.
A carbon nanotube can produce a very rapid wave of power when it is coated by a layer of fuel and ignited, so
that heat travels along the tube.
The key ingredient in the recipe is carbon nanotubes sub-microscopic hollow tubes made of a
chicken-wire-like lattice of carbon atoms. These tubes, just a few billionths of a meter (Nano meters) in
diameter, are part of a family of novel carbon molecules, including Bucky balls and graphene sheets, which
have been the subject of intensive worldwide research over the last two decades. After further development, the
system now puts out energy, in proportion to its weight, about 100 times greater than an equivalent weight of
lithium-ion battery.
In the experiments, each of these electrically and thermally conductive nanotubes was coated with a
layer of a reactive fuel that can produce heat by decomposing. This fuel was then ignited at one end of the
nanotube using either a laser beam or a high-voltage spark, and the result was a fast-moving thermal wave
travelling along the length of the carbon nanotube like a flame speeding along the length of a lit fuse. Heat from
the fuel goes into the nanotube, where it travels thousands of times faster than in the fuel itself. As the heat
feeds back to the fuel coating, a thermal wave is created that is guided along the nanotube. With a temperature
of 3,000 kelvins, this ring of heat speeds along the tube 10,000 times faster than the normal spread of this
chemical reaction. The heating produced by that combustion, it turns out, also pushes electrons along the tube,
creating a substantial electrical current.
The amount of power released, he says, is much greater than that predicted by thermo electric
calculations. Many semiconductor materials can produce an electric potential when heated, through something
called the See beck effect, that effect is very weak in carbon. The See beck effect is a phenomenon in which a
temperature difference between two dissimilar electrical conductors or semiconductors produces a voltage.
There s something different in this case since part of the current appears to scale with wave velocity, causes
electron flow in different way. The electrical charge carriers (either electrons or electron holes) just as an
ocean wave can pick up and carry a collection of debris along the surface. This important property is
responsible for the high power produced by the system. The researchers coated the nanotubes with a fuel, such
as gasoline or ethanol, and applied heat to one end. The result: The fuel reacts and produces more heat, which
ignites more fuel to create even more heat

Energy has different forms and Electrical energy is
one among them. This is most reliable, flexible and
what not? There is no necessity to elaborate them,
because we all are the best users of it

There are different ways to generate electrical
energy. You must have heard of a number of
alternative ways for producing electricity all are
conventional methods even the reactors I mean
nuclear reactors also a common way of power
generation today. All these methods of generation
have their merits and demerit

New Way To Make Electricity
Nano Technology
Carbon Nano Tubes

A Nano tube is with a diameter about
30,000 times smaller than a strand of hair +. Sub-
microscopic hollow tubes made of a chicken-wire-
like lattice of carbon atoms. A carbon nanotube
can produce a very rapid wave of power when it is
coated by a layer of fuel and ignited, so that heat
travels along the tube. These tubes, just a few
billionths of a meter (Nano meters) in diameter, are
part of a family of novel carbon molecules, which
have been the subject of intensive worldwide
research over the last two decades. But this is the
first time to predict that such waves could be
guided by a nanotube or nanowire and that, this
wave of heat could push an electrical current along
that wire. Carbon nanotubesand graphene are both
nanoscale structures consisting of carbon atoms.
Graphene is a sheet-like hexagonal lattice of carbon
atoms, while nanotubes can be described as
graphene wrapped into a cylinder with a nanoscale
diameter. Carbon nanotube transistors suit printed
electronics. Carbon nanotube elastic property
enhances LCD TV quality. Carbon nanotube
transistors run at 30GHz high frequency. Carbon-
nanotube arrays take heat off chips.

Thermo Power Waves
The phenomenon, described as thermo
power waves, like a collection of flotsam [debris
floating in ocean]-propelled along the surface by
waves traveling across the ocean, it turns out that a
thermal wave a moving pulse of heat
traveling along a microscopic wire can drive
electrons along, creating an electrical current.

See Beck Effect
Don t confuse this thermo power waves
with See beck effect, that effect is very weak in
carbon. The See beck effect is a phenomenon in
which a temperature difference between two
dissimilar electrical conductors or semiconductors produces a voltage. Many semiconductor materials
can produce an electric potential when heated,
through something called the See beck effect.
There s something different in this case since part
of the current appears to scale with wave velocity,
causes electron flow in different way.

Reactive fuels Coating. Fuel used gasoline or
ethanol. Heat Applied to one end by ignition. Laser
beam or by a high-voltage spark. Each of these
electrically and thermally conductive nanotubes
was coated with a layer of a reactive fuel that can
produce heat by decomposing. The fuel reacts and
produces more heat. This fuel was then ignited at
one end of the nanotube using either a laser beam
or a high-voltage spark, and the result was a fast-
moving thermal wave traveling along the length of
the carbon nanotube like a flame speeding along
the length of a lit fuse. As the heat feeds back to the
fuel coating, a thermal wave is created that is
guided along the nanotube.
Thermo power waves travels 10,000 times
faster than normal spread of a chemical reaction.
Temperature is about 3,000 kelvin. The thermal
wave squeezes electrons out of the nanotubes like
a tube of toothpaste. Heat from the fuel goes into
the nanotube, where it travels thousands of times
faster than in the fuel itself. As the heat feeds back
to the fuel coating, a thermal wave is created that is
guided along the nanotube. With a temperature of
3,000 kelvins, this ring of heat speeds along the
tube 10,000 times faster than the normal spread of
this chemical reaction. The heating produced by
that combustion, it turns out, also pushes electrons
along the tube, creating a substantial electrical

Alternating Current & Wave Front

Another aspect of the theory, is that by using
different kinds of reactive materials for the coating,
the wave front could oscillate, thus producing an
alternating current (ac). That would open up a
variety of possibilities

Mathematical Study & Quantity Of

The phenomenon has been studied mathematically
for more than 100 years, but it is the first to predict
that such waves could be guided by a nanotube or
nanowire and that this wave of heat could push an
electrical current along that wire. The system now
puts out energy, in proportion to its weight, about
100 times greater than an equivalent weight of
lithium-ion battery

Continuous efforts are being done to
improve the setup enough for commercial use in
near future. This will leads to an era of miniature
type power sources for the entire gadget world
which has a burden of heavy weight power source
as battery array.

(1) IEE Spectrum
(2) MIT News March 8th 2010, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
(3) Nature Materials on March 7 2010 issue