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Genetic Algorithm High Dynamic Range image full report - Printable Version

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Genetic Algorithm High Dynamic Range image full report - aneeshks - 10-04-2017

In this Modern era, image Transmission and processing plays a major role. It would not be possible to retrieve information from satellite and medical images without the help of Image processing techniques. Image Enhancement is the art of examining images for identifying objects and judging their significance. The proposed work uses the concept of GA to find the image with best Signal to noise Ratio (SNR). The basic GA does not require extensive knowledge of the search space, such as likely solution bounds or functional derivatives. The present work presents a new method on rendering high dynamic range images on conventional displays. This algorithm is conceptually simple, computationally efficient, robust and easy to use. The gradient field of the image is obtained by attenuating the magnitudes of large gradients. A new, high dynamic range images is then obtained by solving a Poisson equation on the modified gradient field. High dynamic range (HDR) radiance maps are becoming increasingly common and important in computer graphics.

Presented By:
K. Sivakami Sunadri , Dr V. Sadasivam , S. Pradeepa

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