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INTRODUCTION TO ROBOTICS PPT - kashif - 10-04-2017



A robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks. (Robot Institute of America)

Pick and Place

Moves items from one point to another
Does not need to follow a specific path between points
Uses include loading and unloading machines, placing components on circuit boards, and moving parts off conveyor belts.


Uses sensors for feedback.
Closed-loop robots use sensors in conjunction with actuators to gain higher accuracy servo motors.
Uses include mobile robotics, telepresence, search and rescue, pick and place with machine vision.

Measures of performance

Working volume
The space within which the robot operates.
Larger volume costs more but can increase the capabilities of a robot
Speed and acceleration
Faster speed often reduces resolution or increases cost
Varies depending on position, load.
Speed can be limited by the task the robot performs (welding, cutting)
Often a speed tradeoff
The smallest step the robot can take

Kinematics and dynamics

Degrees of freedom number of independent motions
Translation--3 independent directions
Rotation-- 3 independent axes
2D motion = 3 degrees of freedom: 2 translation, 1 rotation
3D motion = 6 degrees of freedom: 3 translation, 3 rotation