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multipurpose robot using zigbee ppt - Printable Version

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multipurpose robot using zigbee ppt - akshay - 10-04-2017

multipurpose robot using zigbee ppt


In the world that has an enormous potential for conflict, militaries around the world are taking Patton's words very seriously. Right from the ancient times, the foot soldiers has fought and won the battle for the victor. However, over the past decade or so, the infantry's role has changed - the emergence of smart munitions and precision aerial bombardment has resulted in the infantryman entering tough urban combat situations to mop up any remaining resistance. Tomorrow's heroic soldier isn't going to jump into the battle with just a ballot-proof Kevlar vest, a backpack sized field radio and a commando knife clutched between his teeth. Our system is the first of several such programs that are looking at revamping the infantry soldier's gear. Our system basically has two modes. One mode is the automatic mode and the other mode is user control mode. The automatic mode uses face recognition technique to combat intruders. In certain unavoidable circumstances the control comes to user who can control the operations of the robot from remote location using a computer. One of the main advantages of our system is that the mode switching can be done very fast with out any delay. It also helps to provide medical aid for needy. Our system can also be used to detect and defuse the bombs. Thus our aim is to provide a robotic system that can combat in wars and other military purposes

multipurpose robot using zigbee ppt - p.arun - 10-04-2017

touch screen controlled multipurpose spy robot using zigbee