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PARKING SPACE ALLOCATION SYSTEM - 0786ih.fnh - 10-04-2017




A parking space allocation system is a structure designed basically for automobile parking and where there are a number of parking spaces on which parking takes place. Automatic parking space allocation system helps to minimize the parking area. In the modern world, where parking-space has become a very big problem and so much time is wasted in searching of parking space, it has become very important to avoid the wastage of space and time in modern big companies and apartments etc. This system proves to be useful in reducing wastage of space and time. Here any person can see whether the parking space is available or not, of the outside from the parking area. And if space is available then at which place it can also be observed easily. These makes the systems modernized and even a space & time-saving one. This idea is developed using 8051 Microcontroller.

Literature Review

A display is provided at the front of the parking area which is basically a counter that counts number of parking space available. It informs whether the parking space is fully filled with the vehicles or is it having place available. IR sensors are used for the sensing the vehicle. In this project we have provided three parking spaces for vehicle parking. Storage capacity can be change.
When the vehicle enters, the sensors sense the vehicle and counter value decreases so that it can check how many spaces are available there. If there is space the vehicle will enter inside indicating the place where car can be parked, the space is shown on the LCD.

Hardware Requirements

The hardware requirement for the project is basically the Copper Clad Sheet and almost all the components like resisitors,IR sensors,microcontroller,ADC,NOT gate IC etc.

Software Requirements

The parking space allocation system makes the use of Embedded C. The use of C language to program microcontrollers is becoming too common. And most of the time it is not easy to build an application in assembly which instead you can make easily in C. So it is important that you know C language for microcontroller which is commonly known as Embedded C.


Embedded based projects have virtually entered now a day s in every sphere of life, right from the time work out on tread mills to the cars that drive today. The possibilities in this field are only limited by one s imagination.
The project PARKING SPACE ALLOCATION SYSTEM has been successfully studied. The project was studied using very simple and easily available components making it lightweight.
Finally, it is finally concluded that parking space allocation system has huge scope for further research and development making the usage of this in many fields.