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automatic traffic light controller using basic gates according to density - Printable Version

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automatic traffic light controller using basic gates according to density - sathpo - 10-04-2017

hi..can any one suggest me how to design an automated traffic control signal for four directions using Basic gates considering the density on 4 directions i.e, the time for which green or red lights occur is dependent on the density of traffic on that side. density is divided into three low,medium and for four directions we get 81 possible cases..for eg: LLHH means the green light should be for 10,10,20,20 sec respectively.(everytime the cycle time being constant i.e,60 sec for each cycle) and so on..

automatic traffic light controller using basic gates according to density - rita kokare - 10-04-2017

to get information about the topic automatic traffic light controller using basic gates according to density full report ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow

automatic traffic light controller using basic gates according to density - sayana - 10-04-2017

i want some idea how to make a automated traffic light with density circuit