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TCP/IP small explanation - Printable Version

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TCP/IP small explanation - vijay2020 - 10-04-2017



Application layer

The function of this layer generally is to sand and receive the data. We will explain some applications.
1- DHCP port no.67
This program assign dynamic IP's "pc address" to
The hosts instead of static IP's.
2- Web port no.80
This program publishes the web sites. So that the
Web client programs like internet explorer can
Request the web sites from web servers.
3- DNS port 53
Mapping from hostname to IP address
4- FTP port 21
Used for file transfer
5- SMTP port 25
Used for sending mail
6- POP3 port 110
Used for receive mails.
7- telnet port 23
Used for remote login.
Host to host layer

1> transmission control protocol "TCP"
Connection setup by 3- way

1. connection oriented protocol data transfer
connection release by 4- way
hand shaking
2. reliable protocol

Internet layer

IP protocol receive segment or datagram then it add IP header which contain source IP and destination IP and protocol number " 6 TCP & 17 udp".
The data now called packet.

Network access layer

The common protocol in this layer is Ethernet. Which add MAC header and trailer.
The MAC headers contain source MAC and destination MAC.