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Graphical calculator using labview - Printable Version

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Graphical calculator using labview - ajinkya_zbylut - 10-04-2017

Graphical calculator using labview


Graphical calculator

Graphical caluculator is used to find the stability of any system using various control laws like:
- nyquist plot
- bode plot
- pole-zero plot
- root locus
- routh hurwitz

Stability of system

Poles must be in the left hand plane for the system to be stable.

As the poles get closer to the boundary the system get less stable.

System is BIBO stable if for bounded input their is bounded output.


LabVIEW is a graphical program development application designed by National Instruments in 1986 to integrate engineering tasks like :
-interfacing computers with the instruments,

-collecting, storing, analyzing, transmitting measured data,

-developing program in a graphical environment,

-providing an effective user interface.

-Bulit -in intractive graphical control and display