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ONLINE BLOOD BANK FULL REPORT - zaaylo - 10-04-2017




System Development:

The process of building systems has always been complex with system becoming larger, the costs and complexities get multiplied. So the need for better methods for developing systems is widely recognized to be effective and the applied model should meet a few basic requirements.
The model should be structured and cover the entire system development process from feasibility study to programming, testing and implementation.
The model should utilize established methods and techniques like database designs, normalizations and structured programming techniques.
The model should consist of building blocks, which define tasks, results and interfaces.
The model should separate the logical system from the physical system.
Documentation should be a direct result of the development work and should be concise, precise and as non-redundant as possible.
Based on the above requirements of the system model, system study has been made. Various methodologies have been applied for system study, evolving design documents, data modeling, input screen design and report design.


The Hypertext Transfer Protocol is stateless, TCP/IP based protocol used for communicating on the World Wide Web. HTTP defines the precise manner in which Web clients communicate with Web servers. HTTP/1.0 is the most common version in use today. Oddly enough, this protocol is not officially recognized as an Internet standard. It is documented in the informational RFC 1945. Its successor, HTTP/1.1, is currently a proposed Internet standard and many browsers and servers now support this new version.

Connectionless Protocol:

HTTP is a connectionless protocol. As you may have guessed, the difference between a connectionless and a connection-oriented protocol is in the way they handle connections. Using a connectionless protocol, the client opens a connection with the server, sends a request, receives a response, and closes the connection. Each request requires its own connection. With a connection-oriented protocol, the client connects to the server, sends a request, receives response, and then holds the connection open in order to service future requests.
The connectionless nature of HTTP is both strength and a weakness. Because it holds a connection open only long enough to service the request, very few server resources are required to service large numbers of users. In fact many popular Web sites service millions of users in a single day. The drawback to a connectionless protocol is that a connection must be established with every request. Opening a new connection with each request incurs a performance penalty that translates into additional delays for the user.

Stateless Protocol:

As stated in the definition, HTTP is a stateless protocol. A protocol is said to be stateless if it has no memory of prior connections and cannot distinguish one client s request from that of another. In contrast, FTP is a stateful protocol, because the connection is not opened and closed with every request. After the initial login, the FTP server maintains the user s credentials throughout the session. On the other hand, due to its stateless nature, there is no inherent method in HTTP for tracking a client s traversal of a Web site. Every connection is a new request from an anonymous client.
The stateless nature of HTTP is both strength and a weakness. It is strength in that its stateless nature keeps the protocol simple and straightforward. It also consumes fewer resources on the server and can support more simultaneous users since there are no client credentials and connections to maintain. The disadvantage is in the overhead required to create a new connection with each request and the inability to track a single user as he traverses a Web site.

The relationship between ASP and html can be described as follows:

An Active Server Page is a technology that allows for the programmatic construction of html pages for delivery to the browser.
In other words, with ASP we can write a set of instruction that can be used to generate html and other content just before it is delivered. This makes it a good for html developers, because of its power and flexibility to generate html, and ultimately product more spectacular, interactive personalized and up-to-date web sites.
The increasing integration between the windows operating system, database other Aspects including web services, had a great impact on ASP 3.0. Many more packages, applications and services expose interfaces that enable ASP to utilize them. This increasing complexity, and increased opportunities, means that the destinations between resources on the local system or network and the internet are blurring and we, as developers, must be aware of it.
This increased access to resources means that much of the infrastructure has been built and debugged and if we choose to we can use this to our advantage. In fact everywhere we look, much of the hard work has been done and we are left to concentrate on the business specific implementation of our applications. The popularity of ASP has placed at our disposal a great wealth of expertise. We are also not dependent on Microsoft the prevalence of systems and companies, which use ASP as the core technology, mean that any problems will be resolved quickly, and in fact many of them already have.

Why to Use?

By using Active server pages, we can create web sites with dynamic context. The parameters submitted by a client can by anything registration data, search arguments, customization, anything. Businesses are interested in the information that is stored in databases. This information must be retrieved from a database. The requested information must be extracted from the database when it s requested, encoded in HTML format on the fly and transmitted to the client.
The simplest way to create an ASP page is to change the extension of an existing HTML document from HTML to ASP. Then place the file in a new folder under our server s root folder.