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fabrication of rubber tree tapping machine pdf - Printable Version

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fabrication of rubber tree tapping machine pdf - deepali - 10-04-2017

fabrication of rubber tree tapping machine pdf

This proposed machine will act as a tapping knife. In the machine, the shield protects the cutter and as well as stem to escape from injure during taping. A part named tail in shield, which can determine the depth of cut. The tail is designed to rest on the previously cut out bark and the path is traced uniformly. Their by the effort given by the labour in order to obtain the latex reduce.
The weight of the motorized tool is low and their by it is easy to carry and at a stretch a single labour can tap up to 300-400 trees in a short period.
It is the process of periodical removal of thin slices of the bark to extract latex.

Harvesting from rubber tree, a labour has to apply force many times on each tree to get the desired path. This makes the labour tired and they to do this job for nearly 300 trees in a short duration at early morning on every day. This leads shortage in labour for rubber tapping in India. Each tree the labour gets a pay of 0.85 paisa to Rs.2 (Indian Rupees). Hence a motorized concept of tapping knife is needed to reduce their effort. My proposed machine will satisfy and full fill the above problem.

Every day the harvesters are facing shortage of labour for rubber tapping. Because their working time is too early in the morning and it is hectic job. We design a new motorized concept to address the requirement of the harvesters. The proposed machine consists of an electric motor, rotary cutter and protecting shield. The proposed machine size is compact and easily to carry. It shows as a simple in construction for maintenance of cutter. The machine consists of 12 V & 1 amps-Electric motor, MS-Shield, CI-Cutter and 12 V & 7 amps-Rechargeable battery.

This proposed machine will act as a tapping knife. In the machine, the shield protects the cutter and as well as stem to escape from injure during taping. A part named tail in shield, which can determine the depth of cut. The tail is designed to rest on the previously cut out bark. The cutter re-volute by the energy obtained from the battery. The cutter blades face the old bark to cut and remove. The machine is held by the handle provided on the body. For initial tapping, the machine is positioned as incline and it guide on the bark in terms of curved profile. The total cost of the machine may be around Rs.2700/-.
The tool is connected to a D.C. motor powered by a 12 v battery.
When the tool rotates it is placed on the surface of the bark of the tree.
The blades are designed in such a way that they just peel off the layer to a distance of 1.5 mm.
The tail is provided so that the depth of cut does not exceed the 1.5 mm thickness.
The machine is moved from the higher edge of the bark to the lower edge.
The main area of application is to is only in the rubber estates because this is an unique tool that is developed just only for the tapping of rubber trees.
We have passed over many kind of stages because the testing was done experimentally in the lad by using a harder wood piece which is of high strength than that of the real tree. So we where able to succeed in the lab trail then we went for the testing of the device in the field test and we successfully completed the process of tapping in a successful manner.
We where able to tap the trees according to the specifications such as :-
1.5 to 2 mm - Vertical depth
2 to 3 degree inclination
20 to 30 mm - Horizontal depth


The tool is connected to a D.C. motor powered by a 12 v battery.
When the tool rotates it is placed on the surface of the bark of the tree.
The blades are designed in such a way that they just peel off the layer to a distance of 1.5 mm.
The tail is provided so that the depth of cut does not exceed the 1.5 mm thickness.
The machine is moved from the higher edge of the bark to the lower edge.
Further Research
Now we are working on the material testing of blades in order to make the blades to withstand for a longer time and also to create a high corrosion resistance blades.
And now we are waiting for proper funding for getting our project in to a commercial market.
We are also currently working on a fully automated model at low cost but till now we require a proper funding so we are waiting for fabrication.
There are different types of devices available in the foreign market but the cost of the products are high. So it cannot be offered by the local rubber tappers.
So we have designed this device at lower cost and also the tool which we have used is just 400 RS so it is easily replaceable and when it is brought to mass protection the cost of the tool can still be reduced.

fabrication of rubber tree tapping machine pdf - ralfdecosta - 10-04-2017

I would like to get the working principle,drawings and all other details of rubber tree tapping machine

I would like to get the working principle,drawings and all other details of rubber tree tapping machine